Page 27 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
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EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                                        MPA: Serra Gelada – Benidorm islets

                                                  Location:  38°48’N 00°11’E
                                                  Country:  Spain
                                           Coastal/Island:  Coastal including inlets and small isles
                                                Total size:  4,920 ha
                                             Integral size:  -
                                   Year of establishment:  2005
                                             Depth range:  0 – 50 m
                                    Protection objectives:  Protection of biodiversity
                                             Type of MPA:  Multiple uses
                                                  Habitats:  Posidonia oceanica beds, rocky reefs
                                                             and Maërl
                               Socio-economic activities:  Diving, tourism and fishing

                           Activities  Area of special         Compatible activity       Area of special
                                       protection              zone                      use
                           Forbidden  Angling, Spear           Spear fishing
                           Restricted  Fishing, Scuba          Fishing, anchoring
                                       diving, anchoring,
                                       scientific research
                           Allowed     Swimming, boating  Angling, Scuba diving,  Only fish farm
                                                               swimming, boating,        activities are
                                                               scientific research.      allowed

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