Page 31 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
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EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                           Description of the fisheries in and around the MPA:

                           The Columbretes  Island  marine reserve was created for the
                           enhancement of fisheries resources.
                           The no-take area of the reserve includes: a) integral reserve (IR) with
                           two zones, around the Columbretes Grande and the Bergantin islands
                           covering an area of 957.9 Ha, and b) three areas of restricted use (RU)
                           where, in addition  to scientific research, restricted scuba diving is
                           allowed. In the rest of the reserve, some professional and recreational
                           fishing is  allowed: listed boats can fish with purse-seine, troll-line,
                           squid-jig or hand-line. In practice, almost no commercial fisheries take
                           place in the reserve as it is far from the coast and the fisheries allowed
                           are not of sufficient interest. The recreational fisheries have been
                           greatly reduced after the recent prohibition of anchoring in  shallow
                           habitats (IR, RU).
                           Mainly two commercial fisheries operate  on the grounds  surrounding
                           the reserve: a) Year-round bottom trawling targeting a mix of species
                           like hake, squids, octopus, mullets and anglerfish and b)  seasonal
                           (March-August) trammel netting targeting the spiny lobster (Palinurus
                           elephas). Both fisheries operate intensively along the boundary of the
                           The protection of this reserve is regulated by the General Secretariat
                           for Maritime Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

                               Area        Gear     Seasonality   Target Species   Bycatch Species   No. of
                                 IR, RU    none         -             -                -             -
                                        Purse seine            Sardina pilchardus      -         negligible
                                        Angling    Mainly      Serranus spp.,   Spondyliosoma
                                                   summer      Scorpaena scrofa   cantharus,
                                                                                Phycis phycis
                           Inside  Rest of   Troll line   Mainly   Serranus spp.,   Spondyliosoma
                                 reserve           summer      Scorpaena scrofa    cantharus,    negligible
                                                                                Phycis phycis
                                        Squid jig              Squid                             negligible
                                        Hand line   Mainly                                       negligible
                                        Trawling   All seasons  Mix species:    Many
                                                               merluccius,                         5-10
                                                               Octopus spp.,
                              Outside                          Mullus spp.,
                           (main fisheries                     Lophius spp.
                                        Trammel    Mar-Aug     Palinurus elephas   Scorpaena scrofa,
                                        net                                     Lophius spp.,       2-4
                                                                                Raja spp.,
                                                                                Phycis phycis

                           Bibliographic references:

                           Reñones O., Quetglas A. & Goñi R., 2001. Effects of fishing restrictions on the abundance, size
                                  structure and mortality rate of a western Mediterranean population of Scorpaena scrofa
                                  (Linnaeus, 1758). Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit. 36: 316.
                           Goñi R., Quetglas A. & Reñones O., 2003.  Biologia, ecología, pesquerías y efecto reserva de la
                                  langosta roja,  Palinurus elephas, Fabricius 1787, de Columbretes y Baleares
                                  (Mediterráneo Occidental). IEO-COB Report/LANGOSTA/03-1, 107pp.
                           Goñi R., Quetglas A. & Reñones O., 2003. Differential catchability of male and female European
                                  spiny lobster  Palinurus elephas (Fabricius, 1787) in traps and trammel-nets.  Fisheries

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