Page 28 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
P. 28

EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

               Description of the fisheries in and around the MPA:

               In Serra  Gelada, trammel net, gill net  and longlines are used widely
               around the MPA. Nowadays  no regulation exists on these activities
               although some rules exist about in the management plan. Recreational
               fishing including angling, spear fishing and shellfish collecting is also
               uncontrolled. There is a Special Use Area where  only fish farm
               activities  are allowed. All the MPA  is managed by the  regional
               government of Valencia.

                  Area        Gear     Seasonality   Target Species   Bycatch Species   No. of
               Inside IR       -           -               -                -             -
                          Trammel net  Mar-Aug    Mullus surmuletus,
                          (trasmallos             Scorpaena scrofa,
                          finos)                  Scorpaena porcus,
                                                  Dentex dentex,
                                                  Sepia officinalis
                          Trammel net  May-Sept   Palinurus elephas,
                          (trasmallos             Dentex dentex,                         12
                          claros)                 Scorpaena scrofa,
                                                  Phycis phycis,
                                                  Pagellus erythrinus
                Inside RU
                          Gill net     Oct-Jan    Sepia officinalis,
                                                  Sparus aurata,
                                                  Diplodus sargus
                          Surface long-  June-Sept   Xiphias gladius,
                          line                    Thunnus thynnus,
                          Bottom long-  Sept-April   Pagrus pagrus,                      2
                          line                    Diplodus sargus,
                                                  Sciaena umbra,
                                                  Dentex dentex
                          Trawling    All seasons  Mullus surmuletus,
                                                  Merluccius merluccius,                 26
                                                  Octopus vulgaris,
                                                  Aristeus antennatus
                          Pure seine   depending   Sardina pilchardus,
                 Outside               on the     Engraulis
                                       species    encrasicolus,
                                                  Seriola dumerili,                      8
                                                  Aphia minuta,
                                                  Atherina spp.

               Bibliographic references:

               Mediterraneo Servicios Marinos S.L., 1997. Estudios previos realizados al establecimiento del LIC
                      de Benidorm. Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria de Territori i Habitatge.


               Landings of the most important species (by weight) from the region for

                                                                              Weight (tons)
                Total landings (all species)                                          3451.4
                Species 1                                                      Not available

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