Page 54 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
P. 54

EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                                              MPA: Ustica

                                      Location: 38º42’N,13º43’E
                                      Country: Italy
                               Coastal/Island: Island
                                     Total size:  15,951 ha
                                 Integral size:  60 ha
                       Year of establishment:  1986 (effective establishment: 1991)
                                 Depth range:  0 – ~1,000 m
                        Protection objectives:  Environmental protection
                                 Type of MPA:  No take/partial
                                      Habitats:  Posidonia oceanica beds, rocky reefs,
                                                 sandy bottoms, marine caves
                   Socio-economic activities:  Tourism, diving, small scale fishery

               Activities    Integral Reserve     General Reserve        Partial Reserve
                             (zone A)             (zone B)               (zone C)
               Forbidden   Fishing, scuba         Spear fishing          Spear fishing
                             diving, boating,
               Restricted  Scientific survey      Scientific survey,     Scientific survey,
                                                  fishing                fishing
               Allowed                            Swimming, scuba        Swimming, scuba
                                                  diving,                diving
                                                  boating/anchoring,  boating/anchoring,
                                                  angling                angling

               Description of the fisheries in and around the MPA:
               The main aims of the “Ustica Island” MPA  are environmental
               protection, fisheries enhancement, environmental education  and
               research activity.
               Fishing is a small scale activity mainly carried out using traps, gill nets
               and long-lines. All fishing activities are  forbidden  within the Integral
               Reserve (zone A). Similar restrictions are enforced within the General
               Reserve (zone B) and the Partial Reserve (zone C). Gill nets, traps and
               long-lines  are allowed under the regulation of the MPA  Management
               Authority, but are  restricted to  7 local vessels. Spearfishing and
               trawling are banned within the MPA boundaries (three miles from the
               island  coasts). Sea urchin harvesting is  permitted  only in Zone C by
               skin divers and angling is not regulated in either Zone B or Zone C.

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