Page 49 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
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EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                           Description of the fisheries in and around the MPA:

                           The main  aims of “Penisola del Sinis  –  Isola di Maldiventre”  marine
                           reserve  are environmental protection, fisheries enhancement,
                           environmental education, research and sustainable development.
                           All fishing activities are forbidden within the Integral Reserve (zone A);
                           the General Reserve (zone  B)  and the Partial  Reserve (zone  C) have
                           the same regime of restriction: trammel nets, pots and long-lines are
                           allowed under the regulation of the MPA Management Board, trawling
                           is forbidden and sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) fishery is restricted
                           to skin diving. The fleet operating in the region is currently composed
                           of 389 boats mainly partitioned in three marinas (Oristano,  Marceddì
                           and Su Pallosu); among the vessels potentially able to fish inside the
                           MPA, more than 60% are  small boats normally working in  more
                           sheltered areas outside the reserve (Gulf of Oristano and neighbouring

                           Area      Gear        Seasonality  Target Species    Bycatch Species   No. of
                                  A  -           -          -                   -               -
                                     Gill and    All seasons   Mullus surmuletus,
                                     trammel                Scorpaena scrofa,
                                  B   nets                  Sepia officinalis
                           Inside    Pot         All seasons  Octopus vulgaris
                                     Long lines   All seasons   Sparidae                           124
                                     Gill and    All seasons   Mullus surmuletus,
                                     trammel                Scorpaena scrofa,
                                     nets                   Sepia officinalis
                                     Pot         All seasons  Octopus vulgaris
                                     Long lines   All seasons   Sparidae
                                     Skin diving   Nov-April   Paracentrotus lividus               124
                                     Gill and    All seasons   Mullus surmuletus,                300 (+ 73
                                     trammel                Scorpaena scrofa,                   operating in
                                     nets                   Sepia officinalis                     adjacent
                                     Pot         All seasons  Octopus vulgaris
                            Outside                                                               lagoons)
                                     Long lines   All seasons   Sparidae
                                     Bottom      All seasons   Mullus surmuletus,
                                     trawl                  Merluccius merluccius,                  12
                                                            Aristeus antennatus

                           Bibliographic references:

                           Murenu M., Pais A., Addis P., Farci S., Ferrari A., Olita A., Ortu A., Poma S., Mura F., Greco S. &
                                  Cau A., 2004. Preliminary data on fish assemblages structure in three Sardinian marine
                                  protected areas. Biol. Mar. Medit. 11 (2): 76-81.
                           Baroli M., De Falco G., Antonini C., Coppa S. & Facheris C., in press. Distribution and population
                                  structure of sea urchin  Paracentrotus lividus in the Penisola del Sinis  - Isola di
                                  Maldiventre marine protected area (Western Sardinia) finalised to fishery management.
                                  Biol. Mar. Medit.

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