Page 46 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
P. 46
EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2 Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs
Area Gear Seasonality Target Species Bycatch Species No. of
(months) Vessels
Inside IR None - - - -
Trammel All seasons Sparidae, Octopus vulgaris,
nets Scorpaena scrofa, Sarpa salpa,
(different Labrus spp., Spicara maena, 30
metiers use Symphodus spp., Boops boops, All, except
these nets) Scorpaena spp., Sardinella aurita, vessels
Coris julis, Phycis phycis, using
Seranus spp., Lophius bottom long
Mullus spp., piscatorius, line and
Solea sp., Pagellus spp. tuna netters
Sepia officinalis,
Palinurus elephas
Gill nets Spring, Merluccius sp., Sarpa salpa
(different summer Mullus spp.,
metiers use and automn Labrus spp., 30
these nets) Symphodus spp., All, except
Scorpaena spp., vessels
Coris julis, using
Seranus spp., bottom long
Sparidae, line and
Dicentrarchus labrax, tuna netters
Scomber sp.,
Pagellus spp.,
Combined March to July Sparus aurata, Sarpa salpa, 30
gillnet- and Lithognathus Sardinella aurita All, except
trammel net September to mormyrus, vessels
December Diplodus spp., using
(winter for Sarda sarda, bottom long
Dicentrarchus Auxis spp., line and
labrax) Dicentrarchus labrax, tuna netters
Pagellus sp.
Bottom long All seasons Sparus aurata, Phycis phycis, Few number
line Diplodus sp., Muraena helena of vessels
Pagellus sp., (one sure,
Dicentrarchus labrax, probably a
Conger conger maximum
of five)
Tuna nets Summer Thunnus thynnus, Mola mola Few number
Xiphias gladius, of vessels
Brama brama (probably
less than
Bibliographic references :
Jouvenel J.-Y. & Bachet F., 2002. Programme de suivi des peuplements ichthyologiques de la
réserve marine Richard Fouque du Cap Couronne. Rapport final bilan 1995 à 2001.
Aquafish Technology/Parc Marin de la Côte Bleue edit.
Bachet F., Daniel B. & Renaud A., 2003. Suivi de l’évolution du peuplement d’oursins comestibles
(Paracentrotus lividus) dans le quartier de Martigues. 19 ème note. Avril 1994-Août 2003.
C.R. Trav.scient. Parc Marin Côte Bleue 2003, 3: 36-46.
Report of WP6 in BIOMEX final report to be published in 2006.
Landings of the most important species (by weight) from the region for
Not available