Page 50 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
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EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs


               Landings of the most important species (by weight) from the region for

                                                                            Weight (tons)
                  Total landings (all species)                                       482.8
                  Octopus vulgaris                                                   102.7
                  Mullidae (Mullus surmuletus, Mullus                                  34.8
                  Scorpaenidae (Scorpaena porcus,                                      34.6
                  Scorpaena scrofa)

               It is important to emphasize  the landings of 1,385,679 individuals of
               Paracentrotus lividus for  the  fishing  season 2004-2005, November to

               Fishing regulations:

               Foundation Text of  Marine Protected Area “Sinis –  Maldiventre”: Decree
                      12.12.1997, integrally substituted by Decree 06.09.1999, modified by
                      Decree 17.07.2003. Legal references GURI n°45 (24.02.1998), GURI
                      n°255 (29.10.1999) and GURI n°262 (11.11.2003).
               Decree for the regulation of maritime fishery: n° 963 (14.07.65) and n° 1639
               Regional Decrees for the regulation  of sea urchin  fishery: RAS n° 276
                      (03.03.94), RAS n° 2984 (20.10.99), RAS n° 31680 (08.11.99).
               Council of  Cabras Decree for the regulation  of sea urchin fishery within the
                      Marine Protected Area “Sinis – Maldiventre”: n° 94 (12.11.2003).
               Council of  Cabras Decree for the regulation  of sea urchin fishery within the
                      Marine Protected Area “Sinis – Maldiventre”: n° 130 (02.11.2004).

               Database reference:

               Data on fishery (fleet and yield composition) come from Oristano Coast
               Guard database;
               Data on sea urchin fishery come from MPA “Sinis-Maldiventre”
               database and IMC scientific programmes.

               Contact:      Bruno Paliaga - Manager
                             P.zza Eleonora, 1
                             09072 Cabras (OR) ITALY
                             Tel : +39 783 290071
                             Fax : 39 783 391097

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