Page 45 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
P. 45

EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                             MPA: Côte Bleue, (Carry-le-Rouet & Cap Couronne)

                                                 Location:  43º 19'N 05º 10'E
                                                  Country:  France
                                           Coastal/Island:  Coastal inshore and offshore
                                                Total size:  85 / 210 ha
                                             Integral size:  85 / 210 ha
                                   Year of establishment:  1983 / 1996
                                             Depth range:  0 – 34 m / 13 – 50 m
                                    Protection objectives:  Protection and restoration of naturals
                                                             habitats and fisheries enhancement
                                             Type of MPA:  No take
                                                 Habitats:  Posidonia oceanica beds, rocky reefs,
                                                             sandy substrates
                               Socio-economic activities:  Tourism ; around MPA: fishing, scuba
                                                             diving and boating

                           Activities Integral Reserve (IR):        Outside the Integral Reserve
                                       Carry & Courone             (general regulation)
                           Forbidden  Fishing, scuba diving,       Trawling (the general prohibition
                                       angling, anchoring,         of fishing within 3 nautical miles
                                       spear fishing               from the coast is applied)
                           Restricted  Scientific research         Fishing, Scientific research
                           Allowed     Swimming, boating           All activities (except those
                                                                   described above)

                           Description of the fisheries in and around the MPA:

                           The Côte Bleue Marine Park was created with the following objectives:
                           management, protection and restoration of  natural habitats;
                           maintaining professional fishing activities; information  and  public
                           awareness; scientific studies and experimentation.
                           Within the reserve  all fishing activities are forbidden and artificial
                           production reefs have been installed to enhance the  fisheries
                           Outside the reserve, trawling is forbidden within  the 3 nautical  mile
                           limit  from the coast (general regulation). To fight against illegal
                           trawling, protection reefs have been deployed in the Côte Bleue Marine
                           Park. Forty to fifty boats, originating from 6 harbours, operate in the
                           area of influence of the reserves. The fishing methods used are mainly

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