Page 48 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
P. 48

EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                                     MPA: Sinis – Maldiventre

                                      Location: 39°55’N 008°20’E
                                      Country: Italy
                               Coastal/Island: Mixed
                                     Total size:  25,673 ha
                                  Integral size:  529 ha
                       Year of establishment:  1997
                                 Depth range:  0 – 50 m
                        Protection objectives:  Environmental protection
                                  Type of MPA:  No take/partial
                                      Habitats:  Posidonia oceanica beds, rocky reefs,
                                                  sandy/detritic bottoms
                   Socio-economic activities: Tourism, diving, fishery

               Activities    Integral Reserve     General Reserve   Partial Reserve
                             (zone A)             (zone B)              (zone C)
               Forbidden   Fishing, scuba         Spear fishing         Spear fishing
                             diving, boating,
               Restricted  Scientific survey      Scientific survey,  Scientific survey,
                                                  boat anchoring,       fishing, scuba
                                                  fishing, scuba        diving, angling
                                                  diving, angling,
               Allowed                            Swimming              Swimming, boating,

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