Page 72 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
P. 72

EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                                        MPA: Monte da Guia

                                      Location:  38° 31'N 28° 37'W
                                       Country: Portugal, Azores
                               Coastal/Island:  Island (mixed inshore – offshore)
                                     Total size:  443 ha
                                  Integral size:  10 ha
                       Year of establishment:  Integral part and buffer zone since
                                                  1980, the SCI is part of  Natura 2000
                                  Depth range:  0-125 m
                        Protection objectives:  Conservation, scientific research,
                                  Type of MPA:  Partial
                                      Habitats:  Rocky reefs, caves, sandy substrates,
                                                  shallow inlets and bays
                   Socio-economic activities:  Fishing, diving, tourism

               Activities  Integral Reserve (IR)  Buffer Zone             SIC
               Forbidden Fishing, boating,            Fishing, spear
                            swimming, scuba           fishing, angling
                            diving, spear fishing,
                            angling, anchoring
               Restricted  Scientific survey          Scientific survey  Fishing, scientific
                                                                          survey, spear
               Allowed                                Boating,            Scuba diving,
                                                      swimming,           swimming,
                                                      scuba diving,       angling, boating,
                                                      anchoring           anchoring

               Description of the fisheries in and around the MPA:

               The main objective of the Monte da Guia marine reserve is to manage
               the marine environment in  a way that safeguards its nature
               conservation importance at the same  time as benefiting the local
               Within the integral reserve and the buffer zone all fishing activities are
               forbidden. In the rest of the  area, general regulations for the entire
               archipelago apply: no boats longer than 12 m are allowed to operate
               within  6  NM of  the coast and netting  is banned except for use in
               fisheries to catch live bait (when hand nets or small purse seines are
               used) or under a special permit for gill netting. Traditionally, the area
               between the islands of Faial and Pico (the ‘channel’), where the Monte
               da Guia is located, is a fishing ground for the artisanal open-deck fleet
               that operate from both islands. This fleet comprises a multi-specific
               fishery targeting different species: hand line for bottom fishes, shore

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