Page 73 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
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EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                           gill-netting for bottom and pelagic fishes, purse-seining for juvenile
                           pelagics and  pole-and-line fishing  for  larger pelagic predators. Spear
                           fishing and mollusc collection (limpet, barnacle, crab and octopus) are
                           also common.

                              Area       Gear    Seasonality   Target Species     Bycatch Species   No. of
                                  IR      -          -               -                  -             -
                                 GR       -          -               -                  -             -
                                      Hand line   Year-round   Epinephelus      Raja spp.,
                                                            marginatus,         Galeorhinus galeus,
                                                            Serranus atricauda,   Pagellus acarne,
                                                            Pagellus bogaraveo,   Balistes capriscus
                            Outside                         Polyprion americanus,
                                                            Conger conger,
                                                            Phycis phycis,
                                                            dactylopterus                             97
                                      Gillnet    Year-round  Sparisoma cretense,   Diplodus vulgaris,
                            Outside                         Sphyraena viridensis,   Mugilidae,
                                                            Sarda sarda         Sarpa salpa
                                      Purse seine  Year-round   Trachurus trachurus   Pagellus bogaraveo,
                                                                                Sardina pilchardus
                                      Pole and   Year-round   Seriola spp.,     Balistes capriscus
                                      line                  Pseudocaranx dentex

                           Bibliographic references:

                           Carreira G.P.,  Gonçalves J.M. & Nash R.D.M., 2002. Exploitation of octopus in the Azores (NE
                                  Atlantic): current status  and experimental fishery.  Bulletin  of Marine Science 71 (2):
                           Morato T., Guenette S. & Pitcher T.J., 2001. Fisheries  of the Azores (Portugal), 1982-1999.
                                  Fisheries impacts on North Atlantic ecosystems: catch, effort and national/regional data
                                  sets. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 9 (3): 214-220.
                           Morato T., Solà E., Grós M.P. & Menezes G., 2003. Diets of thornback ray (Raja clavata) and tope
                                  shark (Galeorhinus galeus) in the bottom  longline fishery of the Azores, north-eastern
                                  Atlantic. Fishery Bulletin 101 (3): 509-602.
                           Nash R.D.M. & Santos, R.S., 1998. Seasonality in diel catch rate of small fishes in a shallow-water
                                  fish assemblage at Porto Pim bay, Faial, Azores. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 41

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