Page 76 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
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EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                Area     Gear      Seasonality      Target Species     Bycatch Species   No. of
               Inside  Pole-and-  Spring/Summer tuna                         -            19
               Outside Pole-and-  Spring/Summer tuna                         -            19
               Outside Bottom    Year-round    Pagellus bogaraveo,   Raja spp.,          N/A
                       longline                Polyprion americanus,    Galeorhinus galeus,
                                               Conger conger,        Lepidopus
                                               Phycis phycis,        caudatus,
                                               Helicolenus           Mora moro
                                               Beryx sp.,
                                               Molva dipterygia
               Outside Surface   Year-round    Xiphias gladius       Prionace glauca,    N/A
                       longline                                      Caretta caretta

               Bibliographic references:

               Porteiro F.M.  & Martins H.R., 1994. Biology of  Loligo forbesi Steenstrup, 1856  (Mollusca:
                      Cephalopoda)  in  the Azores: sample  composition and  maturation of  squid caught by
                      jigging. Fisheries Research 21(1-2) (Special Issue): 103-114.
               Santos R.S., Hawkins S., Monteiro L.R, Alves M. & Isidro E.J., 1995. Marine research, resources,
                      and conservation in the Azores.  Aquatic Conservation – Marine and Freshwater
                      Ecosystems 5 (4): 311-354.
               Sousa F., Isidro E. & Erzini K., 1999. Semi-pelagic longline selectivity for two demersal species
                      from the Azores: the black  spot  sea bream (Pagellus bogaraveo) and the bluemouth
                      rockfish (Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus). Fisheries Research 41: 25-35.
               Avila S.P.,  Fontes J., Tempera F. & Cardigos F., 2000. Additions to the  marine  molluscs of  the
                      Formigas Islets, Azores. Acoreana 9 (2): 175-178.
               Morato T., Guenette S. & Pitcher T.J., 2001. Fisheries  of the Azores (Portugal), 1982-1999.
                      Fisheries impacts on North Atlantic ecosystems: catch, effort and national/regional data
                      sets. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 9 (3): 214-220.
               Pinho M.R., Gonçalves J.M. & Martins  H.R., 2001. Biology and abundance of  Cancer bellianus
                      (Decapoda, Brachyura) around the Azores. ICES Journal of Marine Science 58 (4): 896-
               Carreira G.P.,  Gonçalves J.M. & Nash R.D.M., 2002. Exploitation of octopus in the Azores (NE
                      Atlantic): current status  and experimental fishery.  Bulletin of Marine Science,71 (2):
               Morato T., Solà E., Grós M.P. & Menezes G., 2003. Diets of thornback ray (Raja clavata) and tope
                      shark (Galeorhinus galeus) in the bottom  longline fishery of the Azores, north-eastern
                      Atlantic. Fishery Bulletin 101 (3): 509-602.


               Landings of the most important species (by weight) from the region for

               Not available

               Fishing regulations:

               - National legislation:
               Law Decree nº. 7/2000, May 30th
               Ordinance 1102-C/2000, November 22nd
               Law Decree nº. 278/98, July 7th
               Law Decree nº. 383/98, November 27th

               - Regional legislation:
               Regional Law Decree nº. 26/2003/A, May 27th

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