Page 83 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
P. 83

EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                           ‘marine protected area’ albeit being a new type for the Mediterranean.
                           The measures adopted for the management of resources  within the
                           FMZ are designed to limit fishing effort and capacity by restricting size
                           and engine power of fishing vessels.  In particular, only vessels smaller
                           than 12  m are allowed to  fish within the  zone since these  are
                           considered as boats that practise small scale coastal fishing and which
                           are therefore least harmful to the ecological regime within the zone.
                           By way  of exception to the above arrangement,  four types  of fishing
                           activities  are nevertheless allowed, but  sometimes restricted, within
                           the Malta 25 NM FMZ by vessels that may be larger than 12 m. These
                           are trawling, fishing  for Lampuki (Dolphin fish), lampara (small-scale
                           pelagic purse  seining with the aid of lamps)  and fishing  for tuna,
                           swordfish and other highly migratory species.

                            Area       Gear      Seasonality   Target Species   Bycatch Species     No. of
                                  bottom         Jan-Mar   Pagellus spp.,     Raja spp.,
                                  longlines                Dentex dentex,     Scorpaena spp.,
                                                           Polyprion          Squalus acanthias,    1,492
                                                           americanus,        Squatina squatina
                                                           Epinephelus costae,
                                                           Pagrus pagrus
                                  trammel-nets   All seasons  Mullus barbatus,    Sparidae spp. (e.g.
                                  and gill-nets            Mullus surmuletus,   Oblada melanura,
                                                           Scorpaenidae       Pagrus pagrus),        550
                                                           (Scorpaena spp.),   Scorpaenidae (e.g.
                                                           Boops boops,       Scorpaena spp.)
                                                           Trachurus spp.
                                  drift-nets     Mar-July  Oblada melanura,   Sparidae spp.
                                                           Scomber japonicus,
                                                           Scomber scombrus                           12

                                  ‘Lampara’      Jan-Aug   Scomber japonicus,   Trachurus trachurus,
                                  purse-seining            Scomber scombrus,    Trachurus
                                                           Engraulis          mediterraneus,          18
                                                           encrasicolus,      Boops boops,
                                                           Sardina pilchardus   Alosa alosa
                           Inside   Surface long-  May-July   Thunnus thynnus    Xiphias gladius
                                  lines                                                              321
                                  ring           Aug-Jan   Coryphaena         Naucrates ductor,
                                  net/kannizzati           hippurus,          Seriola dumerili       185
                                  traps          All seasons  Octopus vulgaris,   Muraena helena,
                                                           Spicara spp.       Palinurus elephas,     543
                                                                              Boops boops,
                                                                              Scorpaenidae spp.
                                  Trawling (50 –   All seasons  Mullus barbatus,    Octopus vulgaris,
                                  150m)                    Serranus spp.,     Todarodes sagittatus,
                                                           Pagellus spp.,     Sepia officinalis
                                                           Trachinus spp.
                                  Trawling (150-  All seasons  Merluccius     Raja spp.,
                                  300m)                    merluccius,        Boops boops,
                                                           Parapenaeus        Trachurus spp.          17
                                                           longirostris,      Mullus surmuletus
                                                           Mullus barbatus
                                  Deep sea       All seasons  Aristaeomorpha   Citharus linguatula
                                  Trawling (400 –          foliacea,          Phycis blennoides,
                                  800m)                    Nephrops           Merluccius merluccius,
                                                           norvegicus,        Aristeus antennatus
                                  Surface long-            Thunnus thynnus    Xiphias gladius
                           Outside               May-July                                            321

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