Page 84 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
P. 84

EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                       bottom        Jan-Mar    Pagellus spp.,     Raja spp.,
                       longlines                Dentex dentex,     Scorpaena spp.,
                                                Polyprion          Squalus acanthias,    1,492
                                                americanus,        Squatina squatina
                                                Epinephelus costae,
                                                Pagrus pagrus
                       Trawling (50 –   All seasons  Mullus barbatus,    Octopus vulgaris,
                       150m)                    Serranus spp.,     Todarodes sagittatus,
                                                Pagellus spp.,     Sepia officinalis
                                                Trachinus spp.
                       Trawling (150-  All seasons  Merluccius     Raja spp.,
                       300m)                    merluccius,        Boops boops,
                                                Parapenaeus        Trachurus spp.
                                                longirostris,      Mullus surmuletus     < 50
                                                Mullus barbatus
                       Deep sea      All seasons  Aristaeomorpha   Citharus linguatula,
                       Trawling (400 –          foliacea,          Phycis blennoides,
                       800m)                    Nephrops           Merluccius merluccius,
                                                norvegicus,        Aristeus antennatus

               Bibliographic references:

               Agriculture and Fisheries Statistics, 1998-2004. Malta. Valletta.  National Statistics Office, xvi +
                      148 pp.
               Leiva I., Busuttil C., Darmanin M. & Camillleri M., 1998. Project FAO COPEMED Artisanal fisheries
                      in  the western Mediterrranean: Malta fisheries.  The  Department of Fisheries and
                      Aquaculture. Malta. Unpublished report, 21 pp.
               Anonymous, 2000.  Technical and biological  Report for the Region  M3 (Italian coasts - South
                      Tyrrhenian Sea, Strait of Sicily - and Maltese waters).  Unpublished report, Mazara del
                      Vallo, Italy. 37pp.
               Camilleri M., Coppola R. & De Leiva J.L., 2000. Operational Units - A Preliminary Study General
                      Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean Scientific Advisory Committee Sub-
                      Committee on Statistics and Information. Project FAO – Copemed Report 36 pp.
               Farrugia A. & Rodriguez-Cabello C., 2000. Preliminary study on the age estimation of bluefin tuna
                      (Thunnus  thynnus, L.) around  the Maltese  Islands. SCRS/108/00.  Project FAO  –
                      Copemed Report 4 pp.
               Morales–Nin B., Camilleri  M.,  Darmanin M., Camilleri C., Besbes  A. & El Abed Amor, 2000.
                      Fishery, biology and  management of dolphin fish  (Coryphaena hippurus) in Malta and
                      Tunisia. Report of the acivities for the year 2000. Cory-Malta & Tunisia. 28 pp.
               Anonymous, 2001a.  A study to establish  that the  shelf of the Maltese Islands  is  a distinct
                      management unit. Unpublished report, Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Malta.

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