Page 89 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
P. 89

EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                           species (Alosa  alosa,  Boops  boops,  Sardina pilchardus, Scomber
                           japonicus,  Scomber scomber, Trachurus trachurus,  Trachurus
                           mediterraneus,), small long-lines, trammel nets or ‘parit’ for catching
                           demersal fish and cephalopods, ‘parit xkitt’ (combined gillnets-trammel
                           nets), for catching  bogue  and  Trachurus spp. and  ‘nasses’  (cane or
                           metal basket traps)  for moray eels, octopus, spiny lobster, sardines
                           and picarel. Traditional fishing takes place mainly near sand banks and
                           escarpments. Bogue fishing is practised by fleet-owners  (Rdum
                           Majjiesa). Hand-line fishing takes place all along the coast, except
                           along beaches, in places where access to the sea  is possible. Basket
                           traps are also used near Fomm ir-Rih.
                           During spring, small boats fish for cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) in sandy
                           bays. A  female specimen is used to attract and  catch males. Gear is
                           often lost, particularly nets and traps abandoned on the seabed, which
                           have an adverse impact on fish fauna, and may be hazardous  for
                           divers.  The area is also popular for spear fishing for species such as
                           the dusky grouper  (Epinephelus marginatus) and common octopus
                           (Octopus vulgaris).

                              Area         Gear    Seasonality   Target Species   Bycatch Species   No. of
                           Inside   A       /           /              /                /            /
                           (Zone)   B,C,D   /           /              /                /            /
                                   E        /           /              /                /            /
                                        Trammel    All year   Alosa alosa,       Sparidae spp.
                                        nets       round      Boops boops,       (e.g. Oblada
                                                              Sardina pilchardus,   melanura,
                                                              Scomber japonicus,   Pagrus pagrus)
                                   P                                                                N/A
                                                              Scomber scombrus,
                                                              Trachurus trachurus,
                                        Traps      All year   Octopus vulgaris,   Muraena helena,
                                                   round      Spicara spp.       Palinurus elephas,   N/A
                                                                                 Boops boops,
                                                                                 Scorpaenidae spp.

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