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EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                                  15 pp.
                           Anonymous, 2001b.  Technical and biological  Report for  the  Region  M3 (Italian coasts - South
                                  Tyrrhenian Sea, Strait of Sicily - and Maltese waters).  Unpublished report. Mazara del
                                  Vallo, Italy. 32pp.
                           Camilleri M. & Darmanin M., 2001.  Catch and effort data of the Maltese dolphin fish fishery.
                                  Project FAO – Copemed Report 6 pp.
                           Farrugia A., 2001. Revision of historical  catches of bluefin  tuna made by Maltese  longliners.
                                  SCRS/01/164. Col.Vol.Sci.Pap. ICCAT, 54(5): 1768-1770. (2002)
                           Fiorentino F., Camilleri M., Bono G., Gancitano S., Giusto G.B., Ragonese S., Rizzo P. & Rosso B.,
                                  2001. On a spawning aggregation of  the Brown Meagre,  Sciaena umbra L.,  1758
                                  (Sciaenidae, Osteichthyes) in Maltese waters (Sicilian Channel – Central Mediterranean).
                                  Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., vol. 36, p. 266.
                           Anonymous, 2002. La campagna Medits 2002 nello Stretto di Sicilia (Mar Mediterraneo): rapporto
                                  finale. Unpublished report, IRMA-CNR, Mazara (TP), Italia. 19 pp.
                           Camilleri M., Cordina G. & Franquesa R., 2002. An analysis of the impact of purse seining and
                                  industrial longlining in Malta’s 25 mile Conservation Zone, Department of Fisheries and
                                  Aquaculture, Malta. Unpublished report. 23 pp.
                           Farrugia A., De la Serna Ernst J.M. & De Urbina Gutiérrez O., 2002. Sex-ratio by length-class of
                                  bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) caught by Maltese longliners. SCRS/02/094 (2002) -
                                  Project FAO – Copemed Report 3 pp.
                           Ragonese S., Camilleri M., Gancitano S., Rizzo P., Bono G. & Fiorentino F., 2002. Evaluating age
                                  at sexual maturity in Sciaena umbra Linnaeus, 1758 (Osteichthyes, Sciaenidae) on the
                                  basis of otolith microstructure. Biol. Mar. Medit. 9 (1): 789-791
                           Anonymous, 2003. La campagna Medits 2003 nello Stretto di Sicilia (Mar Mediterraneo): rapporto
                                  finale. Unpublished report, IRMA-CNR, Mazara (TP), Italia. 21 pp.
                           Camilleri M., 2003. Background to the establishment of the 25 mile Fisheries Conservation Zone
                                  around the Maltese islands. In: Proceeding of the APS Seminar, Malta, pp. 99-106.
                           Drago A., 2003. Addressing the need of marine observations for fisheries. In: Proceeding of the
                                  APS Seminar, Malta. pp. 33-73.
                           Farrugia Fenech A., 2003.  Description of the  Maltese  longline fishery targeting bluefin tuna
                                  (Thynnus thunnus L.) in the Mediterranean sea. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 55 (3): 1148-
                           Fiorentino F., Garofalo G., Gristina M. & Levi D., 2003. The ratio between “bottom dwelling” and
                                  overall fish biomass (BOI) as an indicator of trawling impact on demersal assemblages.
                                  Biol. Mar. Medit. 10 (2): 819-823.
                           Gristina M., Bono G., Fiorentino F. & Garofalo G., 2003. L’impatto della pesca a  strascico sulla
                                  diversità delle comunità demersali dello Stretto di Sicilia. Biol. Mar. Medit. 10 (2): 838-
                           Morales-Nin B., 2003. Final report Mediterrranean dolphin fishery.   FAO/COPEMED CORY03
                                  Project FAO – Copemed Report 13 pp.
                           Viñas J., Pla  Zanuy C., El Tawil M., Hattour A.,  Farrugia A. & De la Serna Ernst  J.M., 2003.
                                  Mitochondrial  genetic characterization of bluefin  tuna (Thunnus thynnus) from three
                                  Mediterranean (Libya, Malta, Tunisia); and one Atlantic  locations (Gulf of Cadiz).
                                  SCRS/02/172. Project FAO – Copemed Report 36 pp.
                           Anonymous, 2004. La campagna Medits 2004 nello Stretto di Sicilia (Mar Mediterraneo): rapporto
                                  finale. Unpublished report, IRMA-CNR, Mazara (TP), Italia. 20 pp.
                           Fiorentino F., Garofalo G., Gristina M., Gancitano S. & Norrito  G., 2004. Some relevant
                                  information on the spatial distribution of  demersal resources, benthic  biocoenoses and
                                  fishing pressure in the Strait of Sicily pg 50 – 66 In: MedSudMed. 2004. Report of the
                                  Expert Consultation on  the Spatial Distribution o Demersal Resources  in the Straits of
                                  Sicily and the Influence  of Environmental Factors  and Fishery Characteristics.
                                  GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-TD-02. MedSudMed Technical Documents, 2: 102 pp.
                           Gristina M., Garofalo G., Bianchini M., Camilleri  M. &  Fiorentino  F.,  2004. Evaluation of the
                                  performance of an index of trawling  impact in  the  strait  of Sicily.  Biol. Mar.  Medit. 11
                                  (2): 230-241.
                           Ragonese S., Gancitano S., Camilleri M. & D. Levi, 2004. An integrate analysis of size at age data
                                  of  Sciaena umbra Linnaeus, 1758 (Osteichthyes,  Sciaenidae) of the  Central
                                  Mediterranean Sea. Biol. Mar. Medit. 11 (2): 612-616.
                           Ramos-Esplá A. A., Valle-Pérez C, Bayle-Sempere J.T & Sánchez-Lizaso J.L. 2004. Areas Marinas
                                  Protegidas como herramientas de  Gestión Pesquera en  el Mediterráneo  (Aream
                                  COPEMED). Serie Informes y Estudios COPEMED nº 11
                           De la Serna Ernst J.M., Farrugia A.,  Hattour A., El Tawil M., Srour A. & Rioja Garay M.P., 2005.
                                  Informe 2003 del programa: Biología y Pesca del atun Rojo (Thunnus thynnus L.) y pez
                                  espada (Xiphias gladius L.) en el Mediterráneo. Project FAO – Copemed Report 36 pp.
                           Dimech M., Camilleri M., Gristina M., Kaiser M.J. & Schembri P.J., 2005a. Relationship between
                                  commercial & non-commercial  species and abiotic  characteristics  in  trawled muddy
                                  habitats on the Maltese continental shelf. Fish Habitat Ecology and Conservation. FSBI,
                                  Bangor Wales, July 2005. Poster presentation.
                           Dimech M., Camilleri M., Gristina M., Kaiser M.J. & Schembri P.J., 2005b. Commercial, non-target
                                  species and  sediment  characteristics of deep-water trawled muddy  habitats on the
                                  Maltese continental shelf. Xjenza 10: 18-25.

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