Page 90 - Fishery_Regimes_2005
P. 90

EMPAFISH Booklet nº 2                         Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European MPAs

                            Bottom long  All year   Pagellus spp.,    Raja spp.,
                            lines       round      Dentex dentex,     Scorpaena spp.,    N/A
                                                   Epinephelus costae,
                                                   Pagrus pagrus
                            Trolling    Spring     Sepia officinalis
                            combined                                                     N/A
                            with hand
                            Trolling    All year   Seriola dumerili   Auxis rochei       N/A
                            lines       round
                            Trammel     All year   Alosa alosa,       Sparidae spp.
                            nets        round      Boops boops,       (e.g. Oblada
                                                   Sardina pilchardus,   melanura,
                                                   Scomber japonicus,   Pagrus pagrus)   N/A
                                                   Scomber scombrus,
                                                   Trachurus trachurus,
                            Traps       All year   Octopus vulgaris,   Muraena helena,
                                        round      Spicara spp.       Palinurus elephas,   N/A
                                                                      Boops boops,
                  Outside                                             Scorpaenidae spp.
                            Bottom long  All year   Pagellus spp.,    Raja spp.,
                            lines       round      Dentex dentex,     Scorpaena spp.,    N/A
                                                   Epinephelus costae,
                                                   Pagrus pagrus
                            Trolling    Spring     Sepia officinalis
                            combined                                                     N/A
                            with hand
                            Trolling    All year   Seriola dumerili   Auxis rochei       N/A
                            lines       round

               Bibliographic references

               Pirotta K. & Schembri P.J., 2000. Report on surveys of the bathymetry, submarine geophysical
                      features, seascapes and benthic biotic assemblages of the area from Rdum Majjiesa to
                      Raheb Cave on the northwestern coast of the island of Malta, designated as a candidate
                      Marine Conservation Area. Unpublished report prepared as part of Project Activity 3.6:
                      Marine  Conservation  Areas, Coastal  Area Management Programme For  Malta (CAMP
                      Malta)  [United Nations Environment Programme, Mediterranean Action Plan and
                      Government of Malta]; 64pp + Plates 1-114 + Figs 1-11.
               Grech P., 2002.  A pilot study for the evaluation, designation and  management of a Marine
                      Protected Area: Rdum Majjiesa to Ras ir-Raheb Cave (NW coast of Malta). Final report.
                      Unpublished report  prepared  as part of  Project Activity 3.6:  Marine Conservation Areas,
                      Coastal  Area Management Programme For  Malta (CAMP Malta) [United  Nations
                      Environment Programme, Mediterranean Action Plan and Government of Malta]; 70pp. +
                      Annexes I-IV.
               Agnesi S., Di Nora, S., Tunesi L., Grech P., Manca Zeichen M., Mo G., Molinari A., Piccione M.E.,
                      Pirotta  K., Salvati E. & Schembri P.J., 2003. Zoning proposal for the Marine Protected
                      Area from Rdum Majjiesa to Ras ir-Raheb Cave. ICRAM, RAC/SPA, UNEP-MAP, 65 pp.
               Schembri P.J., Grech P. & Pirotta K., 2004. Recommendations for a scientific monitoring
                      programme for the proposed Rdum Majjiesa  to  Raheb Cave marine protected area.
                      Technical report developed  within the Regional Project for the  Development of Coastal
                      Protected Areas in the Mediterranean Region (MedMPA). 22 pp.
               Anonymous,  2005. Rdum  Majjiesa to Ras ir-Raheb,  A Marine  Protected Area  – A Draft
                      Management  Framework for the Marine Environment Phase I, Public consultation
                      document.  Malta Environment and  Planning Authority,  Environment Protection
                      Department, Nature Protection Unit. Malta May 2005. 40pp.

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