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Performance Indicator Importance in MPA Management     617

               a small fraction of their most privileged and assertive followers” (Bianchi & Kossoudji,
   Downloaded By: [University of Leeds] At: 13:49 18 January 2008
               2001, 3). This then begs the question of how representative stakeholder representatives
               really are. If it is accepted that representatives may not be properly representative of their
               constituencies, as suggested by Fletcher (2003), this could pose a difficult problem for the
               development of successful co-management institutions. Such regimes, by definition, rely on
               stakeholder participation in management under the assumption that the representatives MPA
               managers work with are truly representative of their constituencies. This is one of the most
               significant results of the present study and deserves to be recognized and studied further to
               understand its implications for successful co-management and community participation.
                   In the case of the EIMR, it is also possible that increased dialogue with local
               stakeholders to develop more of a consensus within stakeholder groups, such as fishers,
               that may have mutually exclusive ideas about how a protected area can be more effective.
               By integrating local stakeholder preferences into an evaluation of management through the
               AHP, EIMR managers can work with local stakeholders to value and apply the results of the
               evaluation to improve local management of the MPA. As a result, participatory evaluation
               approaches, such as the AHP, can improve the quality of input and perspective that goes into
               investigating MPA performance. They can also help to generate practical alternatives and
               options to improve management in addition to improving the likelihood that stakeholders
               will trust and accept the results.
                   One thing is clear, in one of the biggest MPAs in the Mediterranean, there are
               multiple and conflicting objectives and attitudes regarding management. Determining their
               importance for all stakeholder groups is key to the decision-making process and developing
               appropriate management strategies (Brown et al., 2001). The novelty of this research is
               to address this concern by quantifying stakeholder preferences for performance indicators
               to be used in MPA management evaluations and improving management interventions.
               Managers can use the results of studies like this to understand where stakeholder interests
               lie and to discover new methods for management that can improve overall effectiveness of
               an MPA and local support for management.


                   1. Pescaturismo can be defined as any fishers whose vessel is authorized to bring tourists on
               board in order to demonstrate how an artisanal fishing boat runs.
                   2. The dot product of two vectors will be zero for orthogonal vectors and one for equal vectors.

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