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Habitat Selection Response of Anchovy and Sardine
peculiarities of each ecosystem. The main difference with other habitat even in years of high abundance remains within the rich
more productive ecosystems (e.g. southern Africa, California food or the food entrapping areas.
Current, Humboldt Current, Black Sea) is not related to
differences in the preferential range for variables like temperature Acknowledgments
or salinity, but is mainly related to the absence of extended
We like to thank the captains and crews of the RV PHILIA, RV
horizontal migrations for small pelagic fish in the Mediterranean. DALLAPORTA and RV URANIA.
In this basin anchovies and sardines do not perform long
migrations between feeding, spawning and juvenile grounds.
Author Contributions
These areas seem to overlap to a big extent, opposed to upwelling
ecosystems. Moreover, the present study has shown that sardine Conceived and designed the experiments: AB MG SM. Performed the
and anchovy habitats show a large degree of overlap, in experiments: AB MG MB G. Basilone AM S. Genovese S. Goncharov SP
accordance to previous findings [1,27]. The current work has SA IF GG RF G. Buscaino SS MMP ST SM. Analyzed the data: AB MG
MB G. Basilone AM BP SM. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis
shown that although the wide distribution area of the two species tools: BP. Wrote the paper: AB MG MB G. Basilone AM S. Genovese PR
largely overlaps in the two ecosystems in question, it is largely
MDB SA RF SS SM. Analyzed the acoustic data: S. Genovese S.
driven by the local productivity patterns. Opposed to the Goncharov SP SA MMP ST. Analyzed the satellite data: PR MDB.
upwelling ecosystems, habitat expansion is less pronounced Analyzed the CTD data: IF GG MMP ST. Analyzed the biological
between years of low and high abundance, since the suitable samples: RF G. Buscaino SS.
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PLOS ONE | 16 July 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 7 | e101498