Page 102 - Invasive_Species_2013
P. 102

Mediterranean invasive species factsheet


                                                                Reproduction  Common name: Hardyhead silverside

                                                                                         The two dorsal fins are close
                                                                                         to each other
                                                                 identification                 Wide mid-lateral band

               Scientific Name:
               Atherinomorus forskalii

               Key identifying features
                                                                  Brief history
               The body is rather deep but not very compressed
               (body width being roughly 2/3 body depth), growing
               up to 15 cm in length (commonly 2–10 cm). It has a
               grey back with a white belly and two separate dorsal
               fins: the first has 7–8 flexible spines and the second
               dorsal 1–2 spines and 8–11 soft rays. The anal fin
               lies directly below the second dorsal fin and has 1
               spine, rarely 2, with 12–17 soft rays.
                                                                 The eggs are large, with adhesive filaments to
               The tail fin is forked. The head is large, almost  anchor them to solid objects.
               straight dorsally or somewhat convex in shape, and
               with large eyes. The mouth is protrusive and the
               edge of the pre-opercular (a bone lying in front the
               gill cover) bears a notch in angle.

               A characteristic broad, silvery, mid-lateral band runs
               from the upper margin of the pectoral fin to the base
               of tail fin.

               Field identification signs and habitat
               This species, like all other Atherinidae, lives in
               shallow waters close to the coast, near the surface. It
               forms large schools and feeds on zooplankton and
               small bottom-living invertebrates.
                                                                 Atherinomorus forskalii. Photo: P. Consoli

                Atherinomorus forskalii. Photo: E. Azzurro       Atherinomorus forskalii. Photo: P. Consoli

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