Page 98 - Invasive_Species_2013
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Mediterranean invasive species factsheet


                                                               Reproduction  Common name: Shrimp scad

                                                                                               Lateral line strongly

               Scientific Name:
               Alepes djedaba

               Key identifying features

               The body is ellipsoid and compressed, up to 40 cm in  Brief history  black blotch surrounded  Tail fin yellow
               length (commonly 10–20 cm). The first dorsal fin has 8    by a white spot
               spines and is triangular in shape, while the second
               dorsal fin (with 1 spine and 22–25 soft rays) is long and
               anteriorly elevated. The anal fin has two detached
               spines followed by a single spine attached by a
               membrane to 18 to 20 soft rays, some of which are  turbid waters. It also gathers in large schools above
               elevated anteriorly. The last dorsal and anal fin rays are  artificial man-made reefs such as harbours and jetties.
               elongated. The tail fin is deeply forked. The lateral line  Juveniles can be found sheltered among the tentacles
               has a series of 39 to 51 scutes (enlarged and thickened  of the jellyfish, Rhopilema nomadica or Phyllorhiza
               scales), is arched anteriorly and straightens under the  punctata. In the Mediterranean it feeds mainly on
               first to third dorsal rays. The posterior part of the  fishes.
               pectoral fins, when folded along the flanks, overlaps the
               first scutes. The back is grey with a white belly; the tail
               fin and the posterior part of the lateral line are yellow;  Reproduction
               the upper lobe of the tail fin is dusky to black.  In the Indo-Pacific region the presence of maturing
                                                                 and mature specimens in most months of the year
               An obvious distinguishing feature is a black spot
                                                                 indicates a prolonged spawning season,  but in the
               present on the upper margin of the operculum (gill
                                                                 Mediterranean the spawning period is probably
               cover), bordered above by a smaller white spot.

               Field identification signs and habitat
               The shrimp scad is a pelagic species inhabiting inshore
               waters, where it forms schools near rock reefs, often in

               Alepes djedaba. Photo: P. Consoli                 Rhopilema nomadica. Photo: D. Edelist

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