Page 93 - Invasive_Species_2013
P. 93

Mediterranean invasive species factsheet

          Herdmania momus. Photo: Dr. Noa Shenkar

          Herdmania momus. Photo: Dr. Noa Shenkar

          Similar species                                   Management options
          There are no similar species in the Mediterranean Sea.   Regulations and management concerning fouling on
                                                            commercial and recreational vessels may prevent
          Ecological impacts                                further introductions.

          Populations of H. momus are expanding both
          globally and across the eastern Mediterranean, and
                                                            Further reading
          these populations have not yet been shown to
                                                            Shenkar N., Loya Y., 2008. The solitary ascidian
          outcompete native species or invade natural
                                                            Herdmania momus: native (Red Sea) versus non-
          ecosystems. Its potential invasive status is      indigenous (Mediterranean) populations. Biol. Invasions
          uncertain.                                        10:1431–1439.
                                                            Rius, M, Shenkar, N., 2012. Ascidian introductions through
                                                            the Suez Canal: The case study of an Indo-Pacific species.
          Economic impacts                                  Mar. Pollut. Bull. 64 (10), 2060-8.                Drawings: Juan Varela
          Like other ascidians, it can be a nuisance fouler on
          ships, recreational vessels and other submerged
          man-made structures.

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