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Mediterranean invasive species factsheet


                                                                Reproduction  Common name: Sea squirt


               Scientific Name:
               Microcosmus squamiger

               Key identifying features
                                                                  Brief history
               Microcosmus squamiger is a solitary (non-colonial)
               ascidian up to 4 cm in height which looks like a
               globular tube with two short openings (siphons) on
               the top. It attaches to a hard substrate by a stalk.
               When the individuals are contracted (as when
               touched) the siphons are hidden. The body surface
               (tunic) is wrinkled, leathery brown or reddish, often
               with other organisms (such as algae) growing or
               encrusted on its surface. Internally, the tunic is softer
               and purple in colour.
               Field identification signs and habitat

               Microcosmus squamiger occurs in the Mediterranean
               Sea in shallow littoral rocky habitats, particularly
                                                                 reproduces in summer and fertilized eggs develop
               inside marinas, harbours and aquaculture facilities,
                                                                 normally at 20–25 °C in a relatively short period of
               where it forms dense aggregations that can reach
                                                                 time. Old ascidians seem to die afterwards, to be
               more than 2,000 individuals per square metre. It can
                                                                 replaced by new individuals the following winter.
               also spread locally and colonize nearby natural rocky

               Microcosmus squamiger is a simultaneous
               hermaphrodite, capable of producing and releasing
               both sperm and eggs almost at the same time. It

                                                                 Microcosmus squamiger covered with algae and sediments.
               Microcosmus squamiger. Photo: C. Griffiths and M. Rius  Photo: B. Weitzmann

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