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Mediterranean invasive species factsheet


                                                                Reproduction  Common name: not assigned


               Scientific Name:
               Asparagopsis taxiformis

               Key identifying features
                                                                  Brief history
               A red alga that exhibits two morphologically different
               life stages. The gametophyte stage (Asparagopsis
               taxiformis) is a pale purplish-red alga, up to 30 cm in
               height, forming conspicuous monospecific stands
               when invasive. Its fronds are bushy, with a cylindrical
               axis up to 1 mm wide and 200 mm long, arising from
               bare, creeping stolons; it is irregularly branched,
               branches being 5–10 mm long.

               Field identification signs and habitat
               This species usually grows on infralittoral rocky
               bottoms from the sea surface to a depth of 50 m. The
               sporophyte stage (Falkenbergia hillebrandii) is
               filamentous, rose-red in colour, much branched and
               forming dense cotton-wool-like tufts 15 mm in
               diameter. Asparagopsis taxiformis can be an
               epiphyte on other organisms, especially on Corallina
               species, colonizing many different habitats from
               littoral pools to rocky bottoms down to 20 m in depth.

               Asparagopsis taxiformis. Photo: E. Ballesteros    Asparagopsis taxiformis. Photo: J.C. Garcia

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