Page 36 - Invasive_Species_2013
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Mediterranean invasive species factsheet


                                                               Reproduction  Common name: not assigned

                                                                                                        gland cells

               Scientific Name:                                                                        Whorl
               Acrothamnion preissii                                                                   branchlets

               Key identifying features

               Clumps of loose algae, rose-red in colour and highly  Brief history
               branched, 0.5–1.5 cm long, forming dense
               monospecific mats up to 1 cm thick. The thallus is
               attached to the substrate or other algae by rhizoids.
               The species can only be identified under a binocular
               microscope. Consequently, accurate identification
               might need to be checked by a specialist in this
               Central cells are cylindrical, without cortication; main
               branches measure 150–300 μm long and 40–60 μm
               wide. In general, each central cell produces 3–4
               lateral branches distally. Terminal gland cells,
               observed at the end of most branches, are
               transversely ovoid, 16–22 μm in diameter.

               Field identification signs and habitat
               Often found as an epiphyte on sea grasses such as
               Posidonia oceanica or various algae, from shallow
               subtidal zones to depths of nearly 40 m. As an
               invasive species, it forms dense cotton-wool-like
               tufts, mostly in dim light conditions (i.e. on Posidonia
               oceanica rhizomes, in maerl beds, or in cave
                                                                 Acrothamnion preissii. Photo: E. Ballesteros
               entrances and crevices).

               Acrothamnion preissii. Photo: B. Weitzmann        Acrothamnion preissii. Photo: B. Weitzmann

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