Page 34 - Invasive_Species_2013
P. 34

Mediterranean invasive species


            The following factsheets have been developed to provide  Ecosystem and economic impacts summarizes the
            MPAs with identification assistance and general    available information on the consequences of the species’
            information about individual invasive species. Each sheet  invasions or its potential impacts, and a  Management
            contains photographs, illustrations and narrative  options section aims to provide some alternatives for
            descriptions to highlight important anatomical structures  action in MPAs, if there are any in light of present
            and features of a particular species. The species are  knowledge. A brief list of references for Further reading
            grouped taxonomically into macrophytes (algae and  gives suggestions on other documents for consultation,
            seagrasses), cnidarians (jellyfish, corals, sea anemones  mostly freely available online.
            and hydras), molluscs, crustaceans, ascidians, comb
            jellies or ctenophores, and fishes. Within each group, they  It should be noted that the information provided on the
            are ordered alphabetically by scientific name.     distribution of species is taken from the current scientific
                                                               literature; however, as species may spread to new areas
            For each species, there is a description of the main  quickly, this information may soon become out of date.
            characteristics that can be used to identify the species  Consultation of existing databases (see Annex 2) is
            (Key identifying features) and a general description of the  therefore recommended.
            habitat and other characteristics for field observations
            (Field identification signs and habitat).  Similar species
            includes information on how to differentiate the species
            from other species (native or alien) that can be found in the
            Mediterranean and are similar in appearance. The Brief
            history and route of introduction explains the general
            known distribution of the species in the Mediterranean to
            date, its origin and the likely pathway of introduction and
            spread. A general description of potential or documented

                 Black List of Marine Invasive Species

                 Algae                         15. Brachidontes pharaonis ....................P-61  Combjellies/Ctenophores
                 1. Acrothamnion preissii ........................P-33  16. Bursatella leachii ................................P-63  31. Mnemiopsis leidyi................................P-93
                 2. Asparagopsis armata ..........................P-35  17. Chama pacifica ..................................P-65
                 3. Asparagopsis taxiformis......................P-37  18. Crassostrea gigas ..............................P-67
                                                                             32. Alepes djedaba ..................................P-95
                 4. Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea....P-39  19. Crepidula fornicata ............................P-69  33. Apogonichthyoides pharaonis............P-97
                 5. Caulerpa taxifolia ................................P-41  20. Limnoperna (Xenostrobus) securis....P-71  34. Atherinomorus forskalii  ......................P-99
                 6. Codium fragile sp. fragile....................P-43  21. Pinctada imbricata radiata ................P-73  35. Fistularia commersonii......................P-101
                 7. Lophocladia lallemandii ......................P-45       36. Lagocephalus sceleratus..................P-103
                                               22. Rapana venosa ..................................P-75
                 8. Stypopodium  schimperii....................P-47          36. Lagocephalus spadiceus..................P-103
                                               23. Spondylus spinosus ..........................P-77
                 9. Womersleyella setacea ......................P-49         36. Lagocephalus suezensis ..................P-103
                                               24. Venerupis (Ruditapes) philippinarum..P-79
                                                                             37. Nemipterus randalli ..........................P-105
                 Angiosperm                                                  38. Parexocoetus mento ........................P-107
                 10. Halophila stipulacea............................P-51    39. Pempheris vanicolensis ....................P-109
                                               25. Marsupenaeus japonicus  ..................P-81  40. Plotosus lineatus ..............................P-111
                 Cnidarians                    26. Metapenaeus monoceros ..................P-83  41. Sargocentron rubrum ......................P-113
                 11. Oculina patagonica ............................P-53  27. Metapenaeus stebbingi ......................P-85  42. Saurida undosquamis ......................P-115
                 12. Rhopilema nomadica..........................P-55  28. Percnon gibbesi ..................................P-87  43. Siganus luridus..................................P-117
                                                                             44. Siganus rivulatus ..............................P-119
                                               Ascidians                     45. Stephanolepis diaspros ....................P-121
                                               29. Herdmania momus..............................P-89  46. Upeneus molluccensis......................P-123
                 13. Aplysia dactylomela ............................P-57
                                               30. Microcosmus squamiger ....................P-91  47. Upeneus pori ....................................P-125
                 14. Arcuatula (Musculista) senhousia ......P-59

                                        Monitoring Marine Invasive Species in Mediterranean MPAs: A strategy and practical guide for managers 31
   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39