Page 32 - Invasive_Species_2013
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Reporting the discovery of

            non-native species: Collecting

            specimens, recording information

            and reporting

            Digital photographs of unknown specimen(s) can be a very  The organization of the alert system communication
            valuable tool for taxonomic experts to identify or verify  protocol will thus ensure that information about any new
            species. In some cases, specimens may also be collected  species detected in the MPA is quickly passed on so that
            for further taxonomic identification if it seems necessary.  an assessment and remedial action can be proposed (see
            During this process, care should be taken to avoid  MedPAN Draft IAS Strategy, 2012).
            spreading the species into other areas.

            The simplest method of obtaining algae for identification  TABLE 3
            involves placing a sample of the algae in a sealable
            container with water and immediately storing it at a low
                                                                DATA NEEDED FOR REPORTING SIGHTINGS
            temperature until it can be brought to an expert for
                                                                –  Contact information (name and e-mail address)
            identification. Invertebrates can be stored in a closed box
            with alcohol or be frozen and fishes should be placed in  –  Monitoring location:
            double plastic bags and frozen.
                                                                  Latitude and longitude in decimal degrees
                                                                  MPA name
            Within the MedPAN Network, an alert system set up to
                                                                  City, country
            report new observations on IAS could provide online   Habitat type (e.g. bay, pier, marina, rocky shore, seagrass bed, intertidal)
            information for managers and organizations on the spread
            of IAS. Managers and interested institutions could receive  –  Observation details:
            information on the arrival of new species into nearby areas  Date, time
            and direct their efforts towards planning and managing the
                                                                –  Species observations:
            invasives while their numbers are still small. Records could
            be displayed with species information, locations and  Scientific name of species: (optional)
            maps, and the status and dates of new sightings per   Abundance (e.g. on Braun Blanquet scale) per depth
            species or per area (see Table 3).                    Range of depth(s) where it occurs
                                                                  Additional material (e.g. photos)

             Fig. 17. Proposed IAS alert system for the MedPAN Network

                                        Monitoring Marine Invasive Species in Mediterranean MPAs: A strategy and practical guide for managers 29
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