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Mediterranean invasive species factsheet


                                                                Reproduction  Common name: not assigned

                                                                 identification                  harpoon-like hooks

               Scientific Name:
               Asparagopsis armata

               Key identifying features
                                                                  Brief history
               A red seaweed with two morphologically different
               stages during its development, a gametophyte stage
               and a tetrasporophyte stage. Its cylindrical, bare main
               stolons (1mm wide, 200 mm long) are irregularly
               branched, with bushy fronds. Its lower branchlets are
               long and have hooks that resemble harpoons.       Reproduction
                                                                 It is able to reproduce sexually and has a two-phase
               Field identification signs and habitat            (heteromorphic diplohaplontic) life cycle with two
                                                                 main morphologically different stages during its
               The gametophyte stage is pale purplish-red, quickly
                                                                 development. The gametophyte phase, which was
               degenerating when removed from the water and
                                                                 the form named Asparagopsis armata, has either
               becoming distinctly orange. It can be found growing
                                                                 male or female organs; this is followed by a
               as an epiphytic alga on other algal species,
                                                                 microscopic carposporophyte middle stage, and then
               especially Corallina sp. The tetrasporophyte stage is
                                                                 by the tetrasporophyte phase, which was originally
               a brownish-red, filamentous, branched alga, forming
                                                                 named Falkenbergia rufolanosa. The gametophyte
               dense cotton-wool-like tufts 15 mm in diameter.
                                                                 and sporophyte stages are also capable of
               Usually this alga develops on infralittoral rocky  reproducing vegetatively. Drifting gametophytes
               bottoms from the surface to a depth of 40 m.      readily attach to other algae by barbed branchlets
                                                                 and produce new shoots. ‘Falkenbergia’ also
                                                                 disperses by flotation.

                                                                                Reproduction cycle
                                                                                Asparagopsis armata
                                                                   Gametophyte stage
                                                                   “Asparagopsys armata”

                                                                                                   Carporosphyte stage



                                                                                         Tetrasporophyte stage
                                                                                         Falkenbergia rufolanosa
               Asparagopsis armata. Photo: E. Talledo - OCEANA

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