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Indian J. Anim. Res., 48 (1) : 83-87, 2014               AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATION CENTRE
DOI- 10.5958/j.0976-0555.48.1.018                                  

                  (SCORPAENA PORCUS, LINNAEUS 1758) MUSCLE

                     Yalçin Kaya* and Demet Kocatepe1

Received:12-07-2013  Department of Fish Processing Technology, FisheriesFaculty,  Accepted: 05-11-2013
                                 Sinop University, 57000 Sinop- Turkey

    The scorpion (Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus 1758) fish contained moisture, protein, fat, ash,
carbohydrate, 81.76, 15.91, 0.20, 1.57, 0.57%, respectively and energy 67.63 kcal/100g. The essential
amino acids content of scorpion was approximately 52% of total amino acids. The dominant amino
acids were lysine and glutamic acid. The ratio of essential/non-essential amino acids (E/NE) was
calculated as 1.08. The fatty acid composition indicated 53.22% saturated (SFA), 35.07%
monounsaturated (MUFA) and 1.75% polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids. Predominant SFA, MUFA
and PUFA were palmitic acid, oleic acid and arachidonic acid, respectively. The major macro and
micro elements were potassium, calcium and iron zinc, respectively.

Key words: Amino acids, Composition, Fatty acids, Minerals, Scorpaena porcus, Scorpion.

                     INTRODUCTION                        boneless muscle. In 2011, 196.4 tons of scorpion
         Fish are the major part of the human diet       caught in Turkey and approximately 48% wascaught
and rich in protein (especially essential amino acids),  in Black sea. Scorpaena porcus is a marine,
n-3 fatty acids, macro and micro mineral elements.       demersal, non-migratory and traumatogenic fish
In the world, about 86% of total fishery production      species (Fish base, 2012). These fish species caught
(128.3 million tons in 2010) was used for direct         in the Black Sea almost all the fishing season.
human consumption. The remaining 14% (20.2               Keeping this in view, the chemical composition
million tons) was destined for non-food products,        scorpion fish caught in Sinop region of the Black
mainly for manufacturing of fishmeal and fish oil.       Sea wasdetermined to evaluate itsnutritional value
About 47% of the fish destined for human                 for human beings.
consumption was living and fresh form. In 2009,
the estimated global per capita consumption of fish                 MATERIALS AND METHODS
was 18.4 kg, accounting for 16.5% of the global                   Materials: For this study, 2 kg of scorpion
population’sanimal proteinsintake and 6.4% of total      fish (Scorpaena porcus) was purchased from the
protein consumed (FAO, 2012).                            local fish market in the region of Sinop-Middle Black
                                                         Sea harvested in September 2012. Gutting was
         Turkey hasvery long coastal line (8333 km)      carried out manually after cleaning with running tap
and fishery is vital income sources for the country.     water.
In 2011, the total fishery production of Turkey was      Analysis: The whole muscle of scorpion fish was
703.545 tons, total consumption was 468.040 tons         analyzed for moisture, protein and ash according to
and per capita consumption was6.3 kg (Tuik, 2012).       AOAC (1995), total fat according to AOAC (2005),
Fish species generally consumed in Turkey are            amino acids by modified HPLC method (Dimova,
anchovy, bonito, horse mackerel, sardine and             2003; Gheshlaghi et al.,2008) and fatty acids
whiting. Scorpion fish consumption isincreasing day      (IUPAC, 1979). The macro (Ca, P, Mg, Na and K)
by day due to its delicious taste, white-hard and        and micro (Mn, Zn, Fe, Co and Ni) elements were

*Corresponding author’se-mail:
1E-mail:; Department of Food & Beverage Management, School of Tourism and Hotel
Management, Sinop University, Sinop, Turkey
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