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analyzed by AOAC (2010). Selenium analysis was             macrophages. In the kidney, glutamine supplies
carried out according to EPA (1994). Energy value          ammonia which combines with filtered hydrogen
wasestimated by Atwater method (Falch et al., 2010).       ions to form ammonium ions which are then
Essential amino acid score was calculated with             excreted (FAO/WHO/UNU, 2007). As a donor of
reference amino acid pattern of adult (FAO/WHO/            nitrogen in the synthesisof purinesand pyrimidines,
UNU, 2007).                                                glutamine is essential for the proliferation of cells
                                                           (Zhao et al., 2010). Aspartic and glutamic acid play
Amino acid score = Sample amino acid/                      important roleasa general amino acid in enzymeactive
                          Reference amino acid* 100        centers, as well as maintaining the solubility and ionic
                                                           character of proteins (Kocatepe and Turan, 2012b).
         Statistical analysis: The descriptive statistics
(mean, standard error) were conducted using Excel,                  Scombroid protein is also rich in lysine,
MS Office 2007 (Microsoft Corporation, Reymond,            which is a major nitrogen carrier in the body, along
Washington, USA).                                          with glutamine and arginine (Bequette and Nelson,
                                                           2006). Lysine is the limiting amino acid in children’s
           RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                          cereal-based dietsin developing countries(Khalil and
Proximate composition: The proximate analysis              Khan 1995; Zhai et al., 2001).
of scorpion fish indicated moisture, protein, fat, ash,
carbohydrate contents were 81.76, 15.91, 0.20,                      It was found that lysine and leucine were
1.57, 0.57 % and energy 67.63 kcal/100 g,                  the major essential amino acidsin S. porcus. Similar
respectively. Little information is available on           resultswere reported for other freshwater and marine
proximate composition of S. porcus in. Proximate           fish species, like African catfish (Clarias anguillaris),
analysisof Black Sea scorpion (Kocatepe and Turan,         Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Senegalese
2012a) and Egadi Islands S. porcus (Reale et al.,          tongue sole (Cynoglossus senegalensis) (Adeyeye,
2006) have shown higher protein (16.91 and                 2009), spiny dogfish (Squalus suckleyi) (Oliveira et
17.78%), fat (1.26 and 1.42%), carbohydrate                al., 2012), sea bass (Özden and Erkan, 2008).
(0.95%) and lower ash (0.92 and 0.80%) contents,
respectively. S. porcus has similar protein content                 The essential amino acids of scorpion
as other black sea fish specie, like horse mackerel,       constituted approximately 52 % of total amino acids.
shad, garfish and golden mullet (Boran and                 The ratio of essential/non-essential amino acids (E/
Karaçam, 2001). Chuang et al. (2012) reported              NE) was calculated as 1.08. The ratio of E/NE was
lower moisture (72%) and higher fat (1.9%) contents        determined as0.77 for sea bream, 0.77 for mackerel,
for Scorpaena scrofa. Lean fish have < 0.5% fat,           TABLE 1:Amino acid composition of scorpion fish muscle.
semi-fat fish 0.5–2% fat and fatty fish have more
than 2% fat (Clucas and Ward, 1996). Lipid content         Amino acids                           mg/kg
of scorpion fish was very low in the present study
and thus it can be classified as lean fish. The            Aspartic acid                           10159± 80
differences in lipid content may be attributed to          Glutamic acid                            26953± 1653
catching season. S. porcus spawning season is              Serine
reported to be between end of June and September           H istidi ne*                              7188± 192
(Koca, 1997; Bilgin and Çelik, 2009). Proximate            Glycine                                   4143± 149
composition wasknown to be influenced by season,           Threonine*                              15349± 734
water temperature, spawning cycle and species              Arginine*                                 8637± 315
(Ockerman, 1992).                                          Alanine                                   7722± 221
                                                           Ty ro si ne                            15727± 586
Amino acid composition: The amino acid                     Valine*                                  8698± 422
composition of scorpion fish is shown in Table 1.          Methionine*                            10398± 621
The predominant non-essential amino acids were             Phenylalanine*                           6912± 150
glutamic acid and glycine and those amongst the            Isoleucine*                            10066± 617
essential amino acids were lysine and leucine.             Leucine*                                 9652± 345
Glutamine is a preferred fuel for enterocytes and          Lysine*                                18884± 1112
immune cells such as lymphocytes and                       Proline                                26847± 921
                                                           Total amino acids                      11276± 529
                                                           Total essential amino acids* (E)      198610± 2756
                                                           Total non-essential amino acids (NE)  103261± 1866
                                                           E/NE                                   95349± 890
                                                                                                      1.08± 0.01

                                                           Valuesare mean ± standard error from duplicate determinations.
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