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disease. Some types of polyunsaturated can lower       found in the present study. The RDA for P is 700
blood cholesterol, which in turn is associated with a  mg/day for adults (Dickinson, 2002).
lower risk of heart disease. MUFAsseem to be neutral
in their impact on blood cholesterol levels (Rice,              Predominant microelements of scorpion
2009).                                                 were Fe (12.13± 0.17 mg/kg), Zn (11.48± 0.09 mg/
                                                       kg) and Ni (9.84± 1.29mg/kg). Türkmen et al., (2008)
         In present study, DHA (Docosahexaenoic        reported that the most abundant microelements in
acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) were not         S. porcus were Fe (8105 mg/kg), Zn (26.2 mg/kg)
determined. The British Nutrition Foundation           and Cu (5.29 mg/kg). The RDA for Zn 8 mg/day for
recommended that people who have a balanced and        women and 11 mg/day for men (Dickinson, 2002).
healthy diet consume 0.2 g EPA and DHA daily           The contentsof other micro elementsobserved in S.
(BNF, 1992). This research indicated that 100g         porcus fish were Mn (2.99± 0.07 mg/kg), Cu
scorpion fish meat could not afford daily adequate     (4.90± 0.21 mg/kg), Co (1.79± 0.05 mg/kg) and Se
intake value similar to Kocatepe and Turan (2012a).    (0.60± 0.01 mg/kg).

Mineral contents: Major macro elements in                       The RDA for selenium is 55 µg/day for both
scorpion muscle were K (3202.50± 3.50 mg/kg), Ca       men and women (Dickinson, 2002). 200 g scorpion
(2307.50± 245.50 mg/kg) and Na (1358.00± 12.00         meat contains about 120 µg selenium. This value
mg/kg) is an essential element. Manifestations of      was higher than the RDA for selenium but the
potassium deficiency include weakness, respiratory     tolerable upper intake level is set at 400µg per day
inadequacy, hypotension, and electrocardiographic      for adults, based on the potential for toxicity at levels
abnormalities (Hathcock, 2004). The recommended        above 800 µg/day (Dickinson, 2002).
intake was 3500 mgK/day for adults (over 18 years)
in the UK (UK EVM, 2003). Ca isnecessary for nerve                           CONCLUSION
transmission, muscle contraction, glandular                     The findings of the present study revealed
secretion, and the contraction and dilation of the     that Scorpion fish (S. porcus) are good source of
blood vessels. The recommended dietary allowance       protein, essential amino acids (lysine and leucine)
(RDA) of this mineral is 1000 mg/day for adults        and minerals such as K, Ca and Na. The nutritional
(Dickinson, 2002). The contents of Mg and P were       values obtained were similar to other commercially
346.15± 3.05 and 332.77± 0.35 mg/kg, respectively      harvested fish species, with the exception of lipid,
                                                       which was lower in S. porcus.

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