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M. Korn et al. • Sister species within Triops cancriformis

            parsimony-informative sites and five singletons observed (for  We also include the Portuguese and Spanish populations
            sequences from only European specimens, i.e. excluding the  of the former T. c. mauritanicus in T. mauritanicus. However,
            Japanese sequence: four singletons; if more sequences from  further studies are needed to validate their substructure, posi-
            Japanese specimen were included the alignment position 25  tion and status, and thus we refrain here from assigning them
            would be parsimony informative, see section ‘Identification  formal subspecific names. We do not have access to sufficient
            of haplotype groups’). In contrast, the T. c. mauritanicus line-  samples for genetic studies from the Iberian Peninsula to
            age is very diverse. The sequences reveal 23 parsimony-  undertake this investigation yet [most samples available in
            informative sites and one singleton. Within the subclade  collections for morphology are conserved in (only 70%)
            T. c. simplex there are already three parsimony-informative sites.  denatured alcohol or formalin, which degrades DNA, or are
             The two main lineages based on T. c. cancriformis and  too old]. Although the sister clade formation of the haplotype
            T. c. mauritanicus are reciprocally monophyletic sister groups  groups ‘Portugal’ and ‘Gitanilla’ appears in most reconstruc-
            (Fig. 4). The two lineages have diverged by an average of  tions (Fig. 4 and other topologies not shown), it may be an
            2.9–3.3% in the 16S gene (Table 4a) and 4.1–4.3% in the 12S  artefact of long branch attraction. One reconstruction
            gene (Table 4c). This clear division of the T. cancriformis  (PHYML tree of the separate subset of 16S sequences) did show
            samples into two main lineages is in strong contrast to the  a different clade formation (‘Portugal’ sister to T. m. simplex),
            current taxonomy, which classifies T. cancriformis into three  indicating the need for further study. Since the divergence
            subspecies of equal rank. Rather, our genetic data support a  among these Iberian samples is of the same magnitude as
            classification into two main lineages of subspecific or even  their differentiation from  T.  m. mauritanicus  (Table 5),  we
            specific rank, in which the mauritanicus lineage also contains  expect that further morphological and genetic analyses may
            the clearly distinguished subclade of North African simplex  differentiate further subspecies in Iberia.
            samples. This subclade (including the atypical population  As mentioned above, T. cancriformis and T. mauritanicus
            from pool 063, Kairouan) is morphologically clearly separated  lineages have diverged by an average of 2.9–3.3% in the 16S
            from the remaining mauritanicus lineage by the much smaller  gene (Table 4a). Unfortunately, no sequence data were
            size of the furcal spines and was described as a separate  available from Triops newberryi, the cryptic adelphotaxon of
            species by Ghigi (1921, 1924; telson morphology, including  T. longicaudatus (Sassaman et al. 1997), and no 16S sequences
            furcal spines, was the most important source of characters  were available from T. australiensis. The latter represents
            used by Longhurst 1955 to separate Triops species). Its  the closest relative of the adelphotaxa T. longicaudatus and
            distinct position is also reflected by two autapomorphic  T. newberryi and thus the 16S distances among these three taxa
            substitutions in our 16S rDNA dataset (alignment positions  are expected to be much lower than the smallest value (6.0%)
            #115: A instead of G, #281: A instead of T; Appendix 1).  indicated among recognized Triops species in Table 4a. This
             We  therefore reinstate the  mauritanicus  lineage to full  is in line with the distance range observed with 12S sequences,
            species status as Triops mauritanicus Ghigi, 1921, stat. rev.,  whereby the value of the distance between T. longicaudatus
            with two subspecies in North Africa. Triops mauritanicus  and T. australiensis is the lowest (6.1%; Table 4c). These two
            mauritanicus  (described by Ghigi 1921; from specimens  species are morphologically similar  (both species always
            collected in Morocco and now held in the MNHN, Paris)  have a completely reduced second maxilla, which is unique
            is restricted to western Morocco north of the High Atlas,  in Notostraca), but are nevertheless recognized by all authors
            including the western ridges and mountain slopes of the latter.  as distinct species. Occurring on different continents, it is not
            The Moroccan and Tunisian populations of the former  surprising that their divergence is slightly higher than the
            T. c. simplex are here treated as T. m. simplex Ghigi, 1921, syn.  one observed between  T.  cancriformis  and  T.  mauritanicus
            and stat. nov., on the basis of page priority and the Principle  (4.1%; Table 4c), which both occur in the western Palaearctic.
            of First Reviser (Algerian, Libyan, Egyptian, Sudanese and  Further comparative data are available for  Lepidurus
            Arabian populations of the former T. c. simplex possibly also  species from North America and Europe for the same DNA
            belong to this subspecies).  The clade  T. m.  mauritanicus  fragment as used in the present study. Mantovani et al. (2004)
            (T. c. mauritanicus from Morocco in Fig. 4) can be distinguished  indicated that genetic distances between L. a.  apus  and
            from the Iberian populations of the former T. c. mauritanicus  L. a. lubbocki are of the same order of magnitude as those
            by the strong reduction in size of dorsal carina spines in most  observed between American Lepidurus species and furthermore
            populations, the very long furcal spines (Fig. 5A) and the  do not represent a monophyletic clade (the closest relative of
            extremely high variability in the number of dorsal carina  L. a. apus is L. arcticus, not L. a. lubbocki), which is why we per-
            spines within most populations (Fig. 4D). Its monophyletic  form distance comparisons with the two taxa separately. Among
            status is genetically reflected by two autapomorphic substitu-  well-recognized taxa of Lepidurus, 16S sequence divergences
            tions in our 16S rDNA dataset (alignment positions #377: G  (Table 4b; p-distance) may be as low as 2.8% (between L. arcticus
            instead of A, #422: T instead of C; Appendix 1).  and L. a. apus; 4.6% in 12S), 3.1% (between Lepidurus lemmoni

            © 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters • Zoologica Scripta, 35, 4, July 2006, pp301–322  315
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