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Sister species within Triops cancriformis • M. Korn et al.

              and L. arcticus; 6.4% in 12S) or 3.3% (between L. lemmoni and  number of apodous segments may vary greatly, even within
              L. a. apus; 4.8% in 12S). It should be noted that despite low  the same haplotype, as seen in the examples of northern
              genetic divergences, two of these comparisons are among  Spanish and typical  T.  cancriformis. We suggest that telson
              morphologically most distinct species. Lepidurus lemmoni has  morphology, including the size of furcal spines, represents the
              much higher numbers of body segments and legs than the  most useful source of morphological characters for determin-
              other two taxa (e.g. there is no overlap in these characters among  ing specimens of the T. cancriformis group. However, we do
              L. lemmoni and L. arcticus referring to Rogers 2001). Thus,  not know of a morphological character that clearly separates
              the divergence into two taxa within the former T. cancriformis  T. cancriformis and T. m. simplex.
              by 2.9–3.3% (16S; and 4.1–4.3% 12S) as revealed by our
              results is similar to that observed among other notostracan  Biogeography of Triops cancriformis and T. mauritanicus
              species. It is supported morphologically by the formation of  Dispersal abilities and distribution. To understand present dis-
              extraordinary long furcal spines in the T. mauritanicus lineage  tribution patterns in both species, it is important to take into
              (with the single exception of the T. m. simplex clade), a morpho-  account the consequences that may arise from different
              logical state unique among Notostraca in a character shown to  reproductive modes. Nongonochoric modes of reproduction
              have low variability within the haplotype groups (Fig. 5A).  have properties inherently more effective for fast distribution.
                In addition, the distance of 2.9–3.3% between the adel-  One resting ‘egg’ (embryo in diapause) from a parthenogenetic
              photaxa T. cancriformis and T. mauritanicus is higher than that  female transported into a new habitat can rapidly form a new
              observed in two other pairs of crustacean sister species in the  population, whereas a minimum of two of these ‘eggs’, a male
              genus Perisesarma (Sesarmidae; Gillikin & Schubart 2004).  and a female (that of course also would have to hatch during
              We estimate the latter to be 1.5–2.5% from the distance tree  the same flooding event), are necessary for a gonochoric popu-
              presented in their Fig. 3. A second pair of crustacean sister  lation to colonize new habitats, which is much less probable
              species,  Aegla occidentalis  and  Aegla bahamondei  (Aeglidae),  (e.g. Dumont & Negrea 2002). In addition, a gonochoric
              also has lower average divergences of 1.4–1.6% (Jara et al.  population increases at a slower rate.
              2003). However, higher sequence divergences can also occur  We present the first record of T. c. cancriformis in northern
              between sister species of Crustacea, e.g. Euchaeta marina and  Africa (north-west Tunisia), where we found two unisexual
              Euchaeta rimana (Copepoda; Braga et al. 1999), which diverged  populations. The populations belong to two different haplo-
              by 5.4% (recalculated from the divergence times presented  type groups that also occur in Europe. One of these haplo-
              and the molecular clock used). Therefore, compared to the  type groups is shared only with northern Sicily and Ustica
              variability observed among other taxa, the reclassification of  Island, the other ranges throughout Western and Central
              the former T. cancriformis into two species appears justified.  Europe. The discovery of these two European haplotype
                                                                groups in northern Africa might be evidence for repeated
              Validation of morphological characters            long-distance passive dispersal events across the Mediterra-
              As a high number of carina spines can be found in all of the  nean Sea. The haplotypes have not yet diverged, so they
              former T. c. mauritanicus, including the southern Spanish samples  must have reached northern Africa long after the salinity
              that are the sister group of the clade that includes T. m. simplex,  crisis formed a land bridge between the two continents
              this character state appears to be plesiomorphic, at least  5.6–5.3 million years ago (Mya) (Blondel & Aronson 1999).
              within the  T.  mauritanicus  lineage. Typical specimens of  Similar evidence comes from the occurrence of ‘Central European’
              T. m. simplex show an autapomorphic complete (or very strong)  haplotypes on Sardinia and Malta. Furthermore, single
              reduction of carina spines. Thus, for the intermediate popu-  haplotype groups may have a vast distribution. For example,
              lation from pond 063 (Kairouan) in Tunisia, this character  the ‘Central European’ haplotype group occurs at least from
              state seems to have reversed. The haplotype groups of  eastern Spain to Serbia (and from Germany to Tunisia) and
              T. cancriformis display different degrees of reduction of spines,  populations belonging to the ‘Austrian’ haplotype group
              including complete loss. The same is true for the reduction  occur in Austria as well as in the United Arab Emirates. This
              in the size of these spines within Moroccan T. m. mauritanicus.  is in accordance with our hypothesis that nongonochoric
              Also, statistics indicate that even population means may lack  populations might disperse with a high probability.
              significant differences among representatives of all three of  For gonochoric populations, we could not find indications
              the former subspecies (see Appendix 2C). This leads to the  of long-distance dispersal in the present investigation. No
              conclusion that the morphological character ‘size and  North African haplotypes of T. mauritanicus were found in
              number of carina spines’ is very plastic within the T. cancri-  the Iberian Peninsula and vice versa (Fig. 4 and Appendix 1),
              formis group and cannot be used to distinguish between  indicating that dispersal of this lineage between Europe and
              T. cancriformis and T. m. simplex, and sometimes even between  Africa may be limited. However, the lack of evidence for
              T. m. mauritanicus, T. m. simplex and T. cancriformis. Also, the  passive dispersal across the Strait of Gibraltar in T. mauritanicus

              316                     Zoologica Scripta, 35, 4, July 2006, pp301–322 • © 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
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