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Biodiversity Journal, 2016, 7 (3): 365–384
Two new Clausiliidae (Gastropoda Pulmonata) of Sicily
Fabio Liberto , Agatino Reitano , Salvatore Giglio , Maria Stella Colomba & Ignazio Sparacio 5
1 Via del Giubileo Magno 93, 90015 Cefalù, Italy; email:
2 Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Comiso, via degli Studi 9, 97013 Comiso, Italy; e-mail:
3 Contrada Settefrati, 90015 Cefalù, Italy; email: 3
3 Università di Urbino, Dept. of Biomolecular Sciences, via Maggetti 22, 61029 Urbino, Italy; email:
5 Via Principe di Paternò 3, 90144 Palermo, Italy; e-mail:
* Corresponding author
ABSTRACT In the present paper the Authors describe two new Clausiliidae (Gastropoda Pulmonata) of
Sicily (Italy): Muticaria cyclopica n. sp. from SE-Sicily and Siciliaria calcarae orlandoi n.
ssp. from W-Sicily. The two new species are described by virtue of their distinctive concho-
logical and anatomical features. Additional biological and taxonomic notes are provided.
KEY WORDS Door snails; Clausiliidae; Muticaria; Siciliaria; new taxa; taxonomy; Sicily.
Received 30.07.2016; accepted 01.09.2016; printed 30.09.2016
INTRODUCTION to describe two new Clausiliidae (Gastropoda
Pulmonata), Muticaria cyclopica n. sp. from SE-
Muticaria Lindholm, 1925 and Siciliaria Vest, Sicily and Siciliaria (Siciliaria) calcarae orlandoi
1867 s. str. are xeroresistant and calcicolous mol- n. ssp. from W-Sicily.
lusks, widespread, the first, in CE and SE-Sicily and ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS. AUPP
Maltese Islands, the second in W-Sicily and Egadi = anterior upper palatal plica; BC = bursa copulatrix;
Islands (Alzona, 1971; Beckmann, 1990, 1992; BCD = diverticulum of bursa copulatrix; CD = co-
Cossignani & Cossignani, 1995; Giusti et al., 1995; pulatory duct; CL = columellar lamella; D = shell
Manganelli et al., 1995; Nordsieck, 2007, 2013; width; DBC = duct of the bursa copulatrix; DE = di-
Liberto et al., 2010, 2015; Bank, 2011; Colomba et stal epiphallus; FO = free oviduct; G = penial papilla;
al., 2012. The strict connection between the geolo- GA = genital atrium; H = shell height; L = lunella;
gical nature (calcareous) of the soil they live in and LPP = lower palatal plica (basal plica); P = penis; PD
the extremely scarce vagility of specimens results = diverticulum of penis; PE = proximal epiphallus;
in island-like distributional patterns and contributes PL = parietal lamella; PLL = parallel lamella; PP =
to high levels of endemism. Nordsieck (2007) listed principal plica; PR = penial retractor muscle; PUPP
6 taxa of specific and subspecific ranks for Muti- = posterior upper palatal plica; SCL = subcolumellar
caria and 16 taxa for Siciliaria s. str. Recently, Co- lamella; SL = spiral lamella; SUL = sulcalis plica; SP
lomba et al. (2012) described a new species of = sutural plica; V = vagina; VD = vas deferens; ex/x
Muticaria. = specimen/s, s.l. = sensu lato; s. str. = sensu stricto.
The researches carried out in the last years on The materials used for this study are deposited
the Sicilian freshwater and land mollusks allow us in the following Museums and private collections: