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      at this is an author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version is available on the publisher W
               Fisheries Oceanography                                    Archimer
               March 2001; 10(1) : 33-50                                         Archive Institutionnelle de l’Ifremer
               © Blackwell Publishing, Inc.

               The definitive version is available at

                   Fluctuations of landings and environmental conditions in the north-
                                            western Mediterranean Sea

                           Josep Lloret *, Jordi Lleonart , Ignasi Solé  and Jean-Marc Fromentin c

               a  Institute of Marine Sciences–CSIC, Passeig Joan de Borbó sn, E–08039 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
               b  Polytechnical University of Catalonia, High School of Engineering, Dept of Statistics, Avgda. Diagonal 647, E–
               08028 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
               c  IFREMER, 1 rue Jean Villar, F–34200 Sète, France


               Abstract: Most of the monthly catches and CPUE of 13 studied commercial species in the coastal
               waters of the north-western Mediterranean were significantly positively correlated with run-off of local
               rivers (Rhône and Muga) and the wind mixing index during the spawning season, with time lags of less
               than a year (transfer function analyses). Rhône and Ebre interannual fluctuations in  run-off were
               synchronous and were related to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), river run-offs being negatively
               correlated to high NAO episodes. The fluctuations of river discharges and the wind mixing index were
               cyclic but not related. The results  showed that enhanced hydroclimatic conditions in the NW
               Mediterranean were favourable for the productivity of the fish and invertebrate stocks, and suggest the
               presence of linkage between recruitment of Mediterranean species and local (river discharges, wind
               conditions) and global (NAO) environmental conditions.

               Keywords:  Box-Jenkins models, Ebre-River, Gulf-of-Lions, Mediterranean-fisheries  Muga-River,
               NAO-index, Wind

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