Page 10 - Lloreta_alii_2001
P. 10

Relationships between the environmental  variables and BFT catches were then

                  investigated in time domain through regression and correlation. Linear regressions were

                  performed on each pair of BFT/environmental time series that overlapped on a

                  sufficiently long period (i.e., 80 years minimum). To summarise the results of the

                  regressions, we could not perform a meta-analysis (e.g. Myers et al., 2001), because of

                  the non-independence between analyses (i.e., various BFT time series being regressed

                  against a same climate time series). Therefore, we simply plotted the p-values of the

                  regressions using the boxplots (S-Plus, 1999), so that we could get an indication of the

                  distribution of the probabilities. To deal  with serial correlation due to long-term

                  fluctuations, we also fitted linear models using the generalised least squares (GLS, S-

                  Plus, 1999; Venables and Ripley, 1999). GLS model is a regression in which errors are

                  allowed to be correlated and/or have unequal variance. Here, errors were specified to

                  follow an autoregressive process of degree  p, that was determined using the partial

                  autocorrelation function and the goodness of fit of an ARIMA model (Box and Jenkins,

                  1976; S-Plus, 1999).

                        Performing linear models on each pair of BFT/environmental time series induces

                  multiple testing, i.e. the probability of the type I error becomes larger than the nominal

                  value  α (e.g. Legendre and Legendre, 1998). To correct for this, we performed

                  correlation analyses and applied the Holm’s procedure for non-independent tests to

                  compute adjusted probabilities values (which may be larger than 1, see Holm, 1979).

                  Since some time series were not normally distributed, we used the non-parametric

                  Spearman correlation coefficient (Zar, 1984). Correlation was tested using a Monte

                  Carlo procedure (10,000 simulations).

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