Page 37 - Lo Cascio_2015
P. 37

Worldwide checklist of the island mutillid wasps (Hymenoptera Mutillidae)  565

                                 SPECIES                                 ISLANDS
                  Xystromutilla cornigera (Cresson, 1902)  Trinidad
                  Xystromutilla turrialba Casal, 1969      Taboga
                  Yamanetilla andromeda (Mickel, 1934)     Luzon, Mindanao, Negros, Samar          E
                  Yamanetilla cassiope (Smith, 1857)       Borneo
                  Yamanetilla nipponica (Tsuneki, 1972)    Honshū, Kyūshū, Shikoku                 E
                  Yamanetilla pedaria (Mickel, 1934)       Basilan, Mindanao, Palawan
                  Yamanetilla taiwaniana (Zavattari, 1913)  Taiwan
                  Zavatilla gutrunae gutrunae (Zavattari, 1913)  Taiwan                          E (ssp)
                  Zavatilla logei (Zavattari, 1913)        Taiwan                                  E
                  Zeugomutilla bainbriggei (Turner, 1911)  Sri Lanka                               E
                  Zeugomutilla horni (André, 1907)         Sri Lanka                               E
                  Zeugomutilla recondita (Cameron, 1900)   Sri Lanka                               E

                                       Table 2/22. Checklist and island distribution of the species.

                                  Species                                Examined material
                  Blakeius bipunctatus (Latreille, 1792)   Chergui (TN), 20.IV.2005, R. Vilardo leg. (1 ex., PLC).
                  Blakeius leopoldinus (Invrea, 1955)      Salina (IT), 26.VII.2012, Fossa delle Felci, P. Lo Cascio and
                                                           F. Grita leg. (3 exx., PLC).
                  Dasylabris juxtarenaria Skorikov, 1935   Djerba (TN), Ras al-Kastil, 13.IV.2005, P. Lo Cascio leg.
                                                           (2 exx., PLC).
                  Dolichomutilla sycorax (Smith, 1855)     Pemba (TZ), I.2015, F. La Piana leg. (1 ex., PLC).
                  Mutilla diselena Sichel et Radoszkowski, 1870   Pemba (TZ), I.2015, F. La Piana leg. (1 ex., PLC).
                  Mutilla quinquemaculata Cyrillus, 1787   Astypalea (GR), 25.IV.1999, P. Lo Cascio leg. (1 ex., PLC);
                                                           Kassos (GR), 16-18.X.2000, P. Lo Cascio leg. (1 ex., PLC).
                  Myrmilla caucasica (Kolenati, 1846)      Nisyros (GR), 30.IV.1999, P. Lo Cascio leg. (1 ex., PLC).
                  Myrmilla georgiae Pagliano et Matteini Palmerini,  Gataya el Bahria (TN), 10.IV.2015, P. Lo Cascio & P. Ponel
                  2014                                     leg. (1 ex., PLC).
                  Myrmilla glabrata (Fabricius, 1775)      Pano Koufonissi (GR), IX.1997, P. Lo Cascio leg. (1 ex.,
                  Nemka viduata viduata (Pallas, 1773)     Pano Koufonissi (GR), IX.1997, P. Lo Cascio leg. (3 exx.,
                                                           PLC); Stromboli (IT), Rina Grande, 30.VII.2015, P. Lo Cascio
                                                           leg. (3 exx., PLC).
                  Physetopoda halensis (Fabricius, 1787)   Bagaud (FR), 3.VI.2013, P. Ponel leg. (1 ex., PP).
                  Physetopoda lampedusia (Invrea, 1957)    Gremdi (TN), 27.III.2014, P. Ponel leg. (1 ex., PP).
                  Ronisia brutia brutia (Petagna, 1787)    Folegandros (GR), IX.1997, P. Lo Cascio leg. (1 ex., PLC);
                                                           Panarea (IT), Punta del Corvo, 11.V.2008, P. Lo Cascio leg.
                                                           (1 ex., PLC); Salina (IT), Fossa delle Felci Mount,
                                                           26.VII.2012, P. Lo Cascio and F. Grita leg. (1 ex., PLC).

                  Ronisia brutia minoensis Nonveiller, 1972   Astypalea (GR), Aghios Ioannis, 26.IV.1999, P. Lo Cascio
                                                           leg. (1 ex., PLC).
                  Sigilla dorsata (Fabricius, 1798)        Embiez (FR), 22.IV.2013, P. Ponel leg. (1 ex., PP).

                        Table 2/22. Table 3. Unpublished records included in the checklist. The acronyms are as follows: PLC,
                           Pietro Lo Cascio collection, Lipari (Italy); PP, Philippe Ponel collection, Marseille (France).
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