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            Table 7. Petrosino—GLM Gamma-Log after sub-sampling

                                     Estimate              Std. Error             t-ratio               p-value
            Intercept                 3.3204                2.2980                  1.445                0.151
            Year                     0.0106                0.0522                0.203                 0.840
            Age                       0.0548                0.2281                  0.240                0.811
            Depth                     0.4669                1.0221                  0.457                0.649
            Year: Age                0.0008                0.0051                0.166                 0.868
            Year: Depth              0.0169                0.0229                0.735                 0.464

           Marba ´ et al. (2006), who wrote: ‘‘Because the intra-shoot dependence of annual vertical growth rate has not been demonstrated, annual
           vertical growth rates for different years within a shoot were considered as independent estimates.’’
            Finally, to investigate the consequences of using sub-sampling, we re-analyze the same dataset following the approach used by some
           authors in the literature (Guidetti, 2001; Balestri and Vallerini, 2003; Balestri et al., 2004). Within each longitudinal series of measurements
           on each shoot, a single year is randomly selected. In this way, a random sample of 112 independent measurements is obtained: the correlation
           due to the longitudinal nature of the data is eliminated, but at the price of a big loss of sample information, which results into a large inflation
           of variance of the estimated parameters. The results of a typical sample are shown in Table 7.
            Comparison of Table 7 and Table 6 shows that the standard errors obtained by sub-sampling are larger, by a factor ranging between 3.5 and
           6.5, than those obtained by GLMM. The consequence is a big loss of power in testing significance: no effect results to be significant. Another
           way of looking at this result is to consider that, in order to reach a comparable precision in estimation and hence a comparable power in
           testing, one should have on average approximately 5 ¼ 25 times as many shoots, say about 2800, from which to sub-sample 1 year from
           each. This implies that, in order to draw valid inferential results, the sub-sampling approach requires a heavy ‘‘over-sampling’’ of shoots, with
           negative effects on the overall status of the meadows.

           6. CONCLUSIONS

           The results presented in this paper show that there are good ecological and statistical reasons for the use of GLM’s or GLMM’s as better
           alternatives to the classical linear models in P. oceanica growth performance research. The applications of GLM’s to cross-sections of data
           for a given year does not need any transformations of responses variables, which are frequently non-Normally distributed and
           heteroscedastic. Therefore, this approach allows to maintain them in the natural scale, which represents an ideal condition for facilitating the
           interpretation of ecological results (Day and Quinn, 1989). Moreover, it lets the researcher handle different violations of the classical linear
           models assumptions with different solutions, without the need to find a unique transformation for all such violations. From these viewpoints,
           the class of GLM represents a serious competitor with the transformation approach widely used in the literature.
            The advantages of these classes of models are even more evident when dealing with longitudinal growth data provided by back-dating
           techniques. The class of GLMM, extending the flexibility of GLM’s to correlated data, and in particular to longitudinal data, permits
           remarkable statistical gains of precision in estimation and power in testing, without requiring the increase in sample sizes involved in other
           approaches, like sub-sampling. This sample size optimization appears to be particularly important, since, quoting Gonza ´lez-Correa et al.
           (2007a) ‘‘...rhizome harvesting is a very aggressive technique, and it should be only used with caution...’’. Besides, it should be stressed that
           this improvement in the analysis of ecological longitudinal data can be transferred to all species for which back-dating techniques are
            Summarizing, the introduction and diffusion of more appropriate and effective statistical models, like those illustrated in this paper, may
           give a significant contribution to the improvement of the knowledge and monitoring of P. oceanica growth performance, along the lines
           pointed out by Duarte (2002), who indicated ‘‘.. .the development of quantitative models predicting the response seagrass to disturbance...’’
           as one of the three key actions needed to ensure the effective conservation of seagrass ecosystems.


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           Environmetrics 2011; 22: 370–382  Copyright ß 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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