Page 2 - Mannino_Balistreri_2019
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384                          ANNA MARIA MANNINO & PAOLO BALISTRERI

                 Piazzi & Balata, 2008; Papini et al., 2013; Kat-  two areas (Area 1, Area 2; see Fig. 1), characterized
                 sanevakis et al., 2014).                     by different sedimentation and hydrodynamic con-
                   Sicily and smaller surrounding Islands (includ-  ditions. The different environmental conditions are
                 ing Marine Protected Areas “MPA”), located at the  essentially linked to the presence (Area 1) or ab-
                 crossroads between the eastern and western sectors  sence (Area 2) of calcarenitic blocks responsible for
                 of the Mediterranean Sea and characterized by in-  the reduction of the hydrodynamism and the in-
                 tense maritime traffic, are particularly vulnerable  crease of the sediment accumulation.
                 and suitable to biological marine invasions (Oc-  Within each area, two sites were selected, one
                 chipinti-Ambrogi et al., 2011a, b; Coll et al., 2012;  characterized by a high coverage of C. cylindracea
                 Papini et al., 2013; Katsanevakis et al., 2014). To  and the other one by the presence of a few thalli of
                 plan effective management and conservation strate-  the  alga.  At  each  site  six  replicated  400  cm 2
                 gies, reliable data on distribution, spread dynamics  quadrats were placed in order to estimate the mean
                 and impacts of IAS are essential. For this reason,  abundance values of the all recorded taxa.
                 regular monitoring and surveillance programs are
                 strongly needed. Since intensive monitoring pro-
                 grams could be very expensive, citizen science, in-  RESULTS
                 volving citizens (e.g. tourists, fishermen, divers) in
                 the collection of data, could be a useful tool for pro-  Significant differences between the two areas
                 viding data on IAS that would otherwise be impos-  were observed whereas no remarkable differences
                 sible to collect because of limitations on time and
                 resources (Mannino & Balistreri, 2018).      were highlighted between the two sites of each
                   We report first observations on the effects of C.  area. In the area 1, characterized by a higher rate
                 cylindracea on the communities living along the  of sedimentation, C. cylindracea was more abun-
                 coasts of the Island of Favignana (Egadi Islands  dant (a mean % coverage of 46±8.1) and behaved
                 MPA), carried out during the citizen science project  as a pioneer species (Fig. 2). The active mecha-
                 ‘Caulerpa cylindracea - Egadi Islands’, aimed at  nism of stolonisation allowed C. cylindracea to
                 monitoring the spread dynamics of C. cylindracea
                 within the Egadi Islands MPA.

                 MATERIAL AND METHODS

                 Study area

                   The Egadi Islands MPA (Aegadian Archipel-
                 ago), instituted in 1991, is the largest Italian MPA.
                 This archipelago, located approximately 7–9 km
                 from the western coast of Sicily (Italy, Tyrrhenian
                 Sea), is composed of three main islands (Favignana,
                 Marettimo and Levanzo) and a few small islets (Ga-
                 leotta, Galera, Preveto, Formica and Maraone).
                   The study was carried out at Cala San Giuseppe,
                 one of the old calcarenitic opencast mine, currently
                 submerged by the sea, located in the northern side
                 of  the  Favignana  Island  (37°56’07.00’’N,
                 12°20’02.59’’E - Fig. 1).

                                                               Figure 1. Map showing Cala San Giuseppe (Favignana
                   Samples were carried out in summer 2016 in      Island, Sicily, Italy) and the sampling areas.
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