Page 4 - Mannino_Balistreri_2019
P. 4

386                          ANNA MARIA MANNINO & PAOLO BALISTRERI

                                                              further increase of sedimentation, as consequence
                                                              of the multi-layered mats trapping the sediment,
                                                              which favoured the establishment of several indi-
                                                              viduals of Branchiomma bairdi among the patches
                                                              of C. cylindracea. This biofouler worm, already
                                                              recorded at the Egadi Island MPA (Mytilineou et
                                                              al., 2016), clearly takes advantage of the additional
                                                              debris  among  the  stolons  of  C.  cylindracea,  on
                                                              which it can easily settle. Even though this worm
                                                              was  originally  described  from  Bermuda  and
                                                              Caribbean Sea (western Atlantic), its origin is cur-
                                                              rently unknown (Ramalhosa et al., 2014).
                                                                 In the area 2, instead, where the rate of sedi-
                                                              mentation is low, sponges such as Chondrilla nu-
                                                              cula, take advantage behaving as pioneer species
                                                              and they also maintain low both the rate of sedi-
                                                              mentation and the biodiversity. Indeed, they do not
                                                              allow algal species, C. cylindracea included, to set-
                                                              tle well in the area, as clearly shown by the low
                                                              coverage values observed for C. cylindracea and
                                                              the native macroalgae. The low rate of sedimenta-
                   Table 1. Area 1: coverage values (mean ± SE, n = 6)   tion does not allow also the settlement of Bran-
                   of Caulerpa cylindracea and the native macroalgae.
                                                              chiomma  bairdi individuals,  which  do  not  find
                                                              suitable environment conditions for their establish-
                                                              ment. Therefore, C. cylindracea may have negative
                                                              effects on the habitat where it settles in two differ-
                                                              ent ways: a) affecting the structure of the native
                                                              algal community which presents a low diversity,
                                                              and  b)  favouring  the  settlement  of  other  alien
                                                              species. It was already observed by Baldacconi &
                                                              Corriero (2009) how C. cylindracea (reported as
                                                              C. racemosa var. cylindracea) may significantly af-
                                                              fect the percentage cover of sponge assemblage of
                                                              coralligenous concretions, likely due to the ability
                                                              of  C.  cylindracea to  overgrow  several  sponge
                                                                 Since Sicily and the circum-Sicilian Islands,
                 Table 2. Area 2: coverage values (mean ± SE, n = 6) of  are vulnerable to biological marine invasions, reg-
                 Chondrilla nucula, Caulerpa cylindracea and the native  ular monitoring programs are needed to assess the
                 macroalgae.                                  spread dynamics of invasive species, particularly
                                                              in  MPAs  such  as  Egadi  islands  MPA.  In  the
                                                              MPAs, high rates of visitation could promote the
                                                              introduction of invasive species through increased
                                                              disturbance  and  vectors  (e.g.,  boat  anchors,
                    First results showed how the rate of sedimenta-  SCUBA equipment, hull fouling) and subsequent
                 tion has an important role in structuring the com-  dispersal of propagules (Britton-Simmons & Ab-
                 munities  in  the  studied  areas.  In  the  area  1  we  bott, 2008; Burfeind et al., 2013), therefore an
                 assisted to a cascade process. Precisely, the high  IAS strategy integrated into the management plan
                 rate  of  sedimentation  favoured  the  growth  and  of the Egadi Islands MPA may be highly desir-
                 spread of C. cylindracea which in turn allowed a  able.
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