Page 3 - Mannino_Balistreri_2019
P. 3

Effects of Caulerpa cylindracea Sonder on marine biodiversity  385

                    Figures 2–5. Area 1: multi-layered mats formed by Caulerpa cylindracea stolons (Fig. 2), Branchiomma bairdi
                           among patches of C. cylindracea (Fig. 3); Area 2: the sponge Chondrilla nucula (Figs. 3, 4).

                 spread  rapidly,  forming  compact  multi-layered  tosh, 1885), a tropical tube-building sabellid poly-
                 mats  which  trap  the  sediment  and  host  native  chaete, among patches of C. cylindracea (Fig. 3).
                 macroalgae, growing strictly intermingled to C.  In all 114 individuals were recorded, mainly con-
                 cylindracea stolons. In this area the diversity of  centrated (88 individuals) where C. cylindracea
                 the algal community was not particularly high (see  formed consistent mats entrapping a huge quantity
                 Table 1). The algal community was essentially  of sediment.
                 dominated  by  red  and  green  algae  such  as  Instead, sponges, particularly Chondrilla nucula
                 Jania rubens (Linnaeus) J.V. Lamouroux, 1816  Schmidt, 1862 (Spugna Nocciolina, a mean % cov-
                 (Rhodophyta Corallinaceae) (a mean % coverage  erage of 50±4.5), take advantage of the conditions
                 of 38±6.8), Cladophora prolifera (Roth) Kützing,  in the area 2, characterized by a low rate of sedi-
                 1843 (Chlorophyta Cladophoraceae) (a mean %  mentation, occupying quite all the available sub-
                 coverage of 10±1.4), and Laurencia dendroidea J.  strate (Figs. 4, 5). In this area a few thalli of C.
                 Agardh, 1852 (Rhodophyta Rhodomelaceae) (a   cylindracea and low coverage values of the native
                 mean % coverage of 10±4.5). The mats, entrap-  macroalgae  were  observed  (see  Table  2).  Jania
                 ping sediments, also favoured the establishment of  rubens (a mean % coverage of 30±4.1) was the
                 another alien species, Branchiomma bairdi (McIn-  dominant species, mainly growing as epiphyte.
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