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      FIG. 4.—Neighbor-joining dendrogram of the 61 Bacillus Bag320 satellite sequences. Numbers above branches indicate bootstrap values
above 70% for 500 replicates. The scale bar represents a genetic distance of 0.01, calculated according to Kimura’s (1980) two-parameter
method. Bacillus lynceorum, B. atticus, and B. grandii grandii sequences are indicated by filled squares, open circles and asterisks, respectively.
Bacillus lynceorum: Cas1–3 (Cassibile); Cat4–5 (Catania); Mas6–8 (Mascalucia); Mel9–12 (Melilli); Not13–15 (Noto); Pdd16–18 (Ponte Did-
dino); Rag19–22 (Ragusa); Sir23–25 (Siracusa); Ven26–28 (Vendicari); Vil29–31 (Villasmundo); Vit32–34 (Vittoria). Bacillus atticus atticus:
AAT/Ven1 (Vendicari); AAT/Epi2–4 (Epidavro). Bacillus atticus cyprius: ACY/Epk1, 4, 12 (Episkopi). Bacillus atticus carius: ACA/Igo2–4
(Igoumenitsa). Bacillus grandii grandii: GG/Not2, 4, 10, 17, 20 (Noto). Bacillus grandii benazzii: GB/Sco1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10 (Scopello); GB/Lev1,
4, 5 (Levanzo Island). Bacillus grandii maretimi: GM/Mar9, 10, 12 (Marettimo Island).
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10