Page 2 - Mantovani_alii_1999
P. 2


Downloaded by [] at 11:07 10 April 2016  ® B. rossius           O B. whitei
                                                                              • B. fynceorum
                                                       O B. grandit grandii
                                                       • B. gmndii benazzii   •ù B. rossius-grandii grandii
                                                       @ B. grandii maretimi  •k B. rossius-grandii benazzii

                                                       H B. atticus atticus
                                                       D B. atticus cyprius
                                                       0 B. atticus carius

                                                       Fig. 1 - Map of the Mediterranean Basin showing Bacillus taxa distribution.

                                                       sius x B. grandii crosses. On the contrary, the route       nents for the triploid hybrid (Mantovani et al, 1992;
                                                       leading to the triploid B. lynceorum is uncertain. A first
                                                       hypothesis suggested that this taxon is the product of      Manaresi et al, 1993)-
                                                       backcrosses of B. whitei females ÇB. rossius/grandii          The varied array of approaches so far mentioned, be-
                                                       grandii) to B. grandii grandii males (Bullini et al.,
                                                       1984). Subsequent allozymatic and karyological analy-       sides clarifying phyletic relationships among Bacillus
                                                       ses suggested the contribution of the unisexual B. atti-    taxa, also highlighted - although indirectly - the rate of
                                                       cus, in addition to the rossius/grandii grandii compo-      evolution of specific nuclear genomic components.

                                                                                                                     More recently, the analysis of highly repeated nuclear
                                                                                                                   sequences (satellite DNA) and of a mitochondrial coding

                                                         B.whitei             W                                   B.rossius         K     B.rossius-grandii grandii
                                                         Bag320                                                                        \           (2n-35$)
                                                                              1/                              B.grandii grandii                      Bag32Q
                                                       (3n = 519)              \                                   Bag320                 B.rossius-grandii benazzii
                                                                                                                                                   (2n = 35?)
                                                         Bag32Q                                               B.grandii benazzii                    Bag320
                                                                                                               (2n = 34$;33c?)


                                                                                                                  (2n = 34$)


                                                       Fig. 2 - Schematic figure showing the origin of the unisexual taxa of the genus Bacillus from the parental species. It can be noted that
                                                       the Bag320 satellite DNA family is present in the bisexual B. grandii, in the automictic parthenogen B. atticus, and in all hybrids. The
                                                       same satDNA family is lacking in the bisexual B. rossius (thin arrows) (from Mantovani, 1998).
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