Page 3 - Mantovani_alii_1999
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GENOMIC EVOLUTION IN BACILLUS STICK INSECTS                                                                                                                              267

                                                       (E) diploid hybrid                          diploid hybrid                                   diploid hybrid
                                                                  ¥ j genome                           genome                                          genome
                                                                                   DNA \                                                          degeneration of the
                                                             DNA X            extradoubling                                                   ^yivhole hybrid genome

                                                       2n tetrachromatidic    2n tetrachromatidic
                                                          chromosomes            chromosomes

                                                       2n autobivalents       2n autobivalents

                                                                                            exclusion of the                   mixis of two
                                                                                            grandit genome                     sperm heads

Downloaded by [] at 11:07 10 April 2016                               oocyte with only
                                                                                 rossius autobivalents

                                                                                 production of rossius
                                                                              pronucleus and polar body


                                                       hybrid clonal          reconstituted                          grand»      non hybrid
                                                          zygoid              hybrid zygote                            male    grand» zygote

                                                       Fig. 3 - Schematic drawing of cytological mechanisms of Bacillus stick insects. A, apomictic parthenogenesis of B. whitei and B. lynceo-
                                                       rum; B, hybridogenesis in B. rossius-grandii hemiclonals; C, androgenesis of hybridogens and B. whitei. Note that androgenetic proge-
                                                       ny have nuclear grandii genomes but rossius mitochondrial DNA, since egg cytoplasm ultimately derives from the B. rossius ancestor.
                                                       Large metacentrics represent B. grandii; small metacentrics, 'Paleo' B. rossius, and acrocentrics, 'Neo' B. rossius.

                                                       gene were started. These two additional genomic com-        control region can be utilized at different phylogenetic
                                                       partments can add to the phylogenetic picture so far de-    levels (Simon et al, 1994). Further, for its matrilinear
                                                       fined and give more direct information on DNA vari-         transmission, it is a basic approach in the studies of hy-
                                                       ability and its evolutionary rates. Satellite DNA are       brid taxa since it can trace the maternal ancestor. In ver-
                                                       repetitive sequences that represent a substantial part of   tebrates, such analyses mainly revealed that most unisex-
                                                       the eukaryotic genome. They are typically organized as      uals arose through unidirectional hybridization events be-
                                                       large (up to 108 bp) tandem array clusters in the hete-     tween bisexual species and that, in terms of matriarchal
                                                       rochromatic region of chromosomes (e.g., centromeres        phylogeny, most unisexual-bisexual complexes show a
                                                       and telomeres). The low intraspecific variability of these  pattern of paraphyly (Avise et al, 1992). From this kind
                                                       tandem arrays, sometimes contrasting with a high level      of study it emerged also that some unisexual vertebrate
                                                       of interspecific diversity, has been explained through      taxa are much more ancient than was expected for 'asex-
                                                       several genetic mechanisms leading to a concerted evo-      ual' lineages (Spolsky etal, 1992).
                                                       lution of highly repeated sequences (Dover & Tautz,
                                                       1986; Charlesworth et al, 1994). SatDNA studies have        MOST RECENT EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
                                                       been widely used in taxonomic and phylogenetic analy-
                                                       ses within many invertebrate groups (Sainz & Cornudel-      Satellite DNA analyses
                                                       la, 1990; Badaracco et al, 1991; Bachmann & Sperlich,
                                                       1993; Rovira et al, 1993; La Volpe, 1994; Bachmann et         Molecular investigations on Bacillus genomes through
                                                       al, 1996; Ugarkovic et al, 1996).                           canonical genomic restriction and Southern blot hy-
                                                                                                                   bridization showed the existence of a satDNA family
                                                         Recently, mitochondrial DNA has received considerable     named Bag320 in B. atticus and B. grandii and its ab-
                                                       attention (Wolstenholme, 1992). Its analysis is being suc-  sence from B. rossius (Mantovani et ah, 1993, 1997).
                                                       cessfully applied in evolutionary studies, since mitochon-  Nucleotide sequences obtained from B. atticus and B.
                                                       drial protein coding sequences, ribosomal genes, and the
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