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Downloaded by [] at 11:07 10 April 2016  peats of the Bag$20 family, since no hybridization sig-                   ed satellite DNA of Dolichopoda schiavazzii: a test for models
                                                       nal is detectable in FISH experiments confronting the                     on the evolution of highly repetitive DNA. J. mol. Evol., 43:
                                                       parthenogens' rossius haploset and Bag320 probes. Fur-                    135-144.
                                                       thermore, the Bag320 repeated sequences are found in
                                                       both B. grandit and B. atticus, although with different                Badaracco G., Tubiello G., Benfante R., Cotelli F., Maiorano D.,
                                                       copy number (15-20% of the genome in the former and                       Landsberger N., 1991 - Highly repetitive DNA sequence in
                                                       2-5% in the latter), but allow a clear specific distinction               parthenogenetic Artemia. J. mol. Evol., 32: 31-36.
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                                                       of heterospecific mt and nuclear genomes provides an
                                                       unusual opportunity for the study of genome evolution.                 Hillis D. M., Moritz C, Porter C. A., Baker R. J., 1991 - Evidence
                                                       It has been demonstrated in yeasts that an ongoing es-                    for biased gene conversion in concerted evolution of ribosomal
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                                                       their subsequent migration to the nucleus is roughly                   Jermiin L. S., Crazier R. H., 1994 - The cytochrome b region in the
                                                       equivalent to the rate of spontaneous mutations of nu-                    mitochondrial DNA of the ant Tetraponera rufoniger. Sequence
                                                       clear genes; smaller fragments may appear in the nucle-                   divergence in hymenoptera may be associated with nucleotide
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                                                         The cohexistence of mitochondrial and nuclear
                                                       genomes of different origin, besides in Bacillus, has al-              Kraus F., Miyamoto M. M., 1990 - Mitochondrial genotype of a
                                                       so been reported in other animals (Kraus & Miyamoto,                      unisexual salamander of hybrid origin is urelated to either of its
                                                       1990; Ruedi et al, 1997). We would like to point out                      nuclear halotypes. Proc. natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 87:2235-2238.
                                                       that such conditions may provide an experimental sys-
                                                       tem for the study of mitochondrion-nucleus relation-                   La Volpe A., 1994 - A repetitive DNA family, conserved through-
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                                                                                                                              Mantovani B., Scali V., 1992 - Hybridogenesis and androgenesis in
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                                                                                                                              Mantovani B., Tinti F., Bachmann L., Scali V., 1997 - The Bag320
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