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A. A. Karamanlidis et al.                                                The Mediterranean monk seal

            by fishermen. Angered over actual or perceived damage  regional and international treaties, and European Union
            caused by monk seals, including loss of catch and tearing of  regulations (Isräels 1992). Currently, in all areas [e.g. the
            nets, fishermen take the offensive by shooting seals, or even  eastern Atlantic (González et al. 2006), Mediterranean Sea
            in the past by dynamiting caves (Goedicke 1981). Deliberate  (Notarbartolo di Sciara 2013)] and countries [e.g. Greece
            killing of Mediterranean monk seals by fishermen has been  (Notarbartolo di Sciara et al. 2009), Turkey (Kiraç et al.
            a serious threat to the species in Greece, Turkey, and Cabo  2013)] with significant monk seal populations, policy-
            Blanco. Deliberate killing was responsible for a third of the  makers have drafted and are implementing, with varying
            mortalities recorded between 1991 and 1995 in Greece,  degrees of vigour and commitment, Action Plans for the
            affecting mostly adult monk seals (Androukaki et al. 1999),  conservation of the species. There is a general scientific con-
            and has played an important role in the decline of the  sensus that in situ conservation efforts are the most impor-
            population of the species in Turkey (Güçlüsoy et al. 2004,  tant conservation priority for the monk seal. The main in
            Kiraç et al. 2013). In the Cabo Blanco region, deliberate  situ conservation priorities and actions identified in these
            killing, mainly by fishermen, may well have been respon-  Action Plans are: habitat protection; mitigating negative
            sible for the extirpation of monk seal populations hauling  interactions between monk seals and fisheries; scientific
            out on open beaches (González & Fernandez de Larrinoa  research and monitoring of local seal subpopulations; edu-
            2012).                                           cation and public awareness campaigns; and rescue and
              Interactions between monk seals and fisheries are a great  rehabilitation of wounded, sick, and orphaned seals.
            conservation concern throughout the species’ range  Habitat protection has been identified as the most impor-
            (Güçlüsoy & Savas¸ 2003b, Güçlüsoy 2008, Karamanlidis  tant conservation priority for the Mediterranean monk seal.
            et al. 2008, Hale et al. 2011, González & Fernandez de  Considering the behaviour and ecology of the monk seal,
            Larrinoa 2012). Mediterranean monk seals can become  conservationists believe that, in Greece, a network of well-
            entangled in static nets (Johnson & Karamanlidis 2000),  managed and guarded reserves are essential and are the
            and accidental entanglement and drowning is a major  foremost priority for the survival of  the species
            source of mortality in the eastern Mediterranean, especially  (Adamantopoulou  et al.  2000). Legislative  measures,
            for subadult animals (Veryeri et al. 2001, Karamanlidis et al.  research, management, and conservation actions designed
            2008, Kiraç et al. 2013). Similarly, at Cabo Blanco illegal  to protect important monk seal habitat are currently in
            industrial and artisanal fishing is one of the main threats to  place in the following areas: the Desertas Islands Nature
            the survival of the colony; it mainly affects subadult monk  Reserve in the Madeira Archipelago, the National Marine
            seals (González & Fernandez de Larrinoa 2012).   Park of Alonnisos – Northern Sporades Islands, the marine
              Although limited availability of food and stochastic and  protected area in Northern Karpathos – Saria and the
            unusual events are acknowledged as mortality factors affect-  3-mile no-take zone at the island of Gyaros in Greece, the
            ing the Mediterranean monk seal, they are not generally  no-fishing area of the Cap Blanc Peninsula, and the partici-
            considered to constitute serious threats to the survival of the  pative reserve that has been created in order to protect the
            species. Overfishing, which may affect seals’ growth, repro-  pupping caves of the Cabo Blanco monk seal subpopula-
            duction, juvenile survival and mortality rate, and drive monk  tion. In Turkey, conservation efforts focus on five coastal
            seals away from their natal areas (Isräels 1992), has been  locations in the country: Foça, Karaburun, Alaçatı-Sigacik,
            implicated in the local disappearance of monk seals inAlgeria  the Bodrum Peninsula, and the Cilician coasts, although
            (Boudouresque & Lefevre 1988),Greece (Marchessaux 1979),  serious concerns have been raised about the efficacy of
            and southern Turkey (Gücü et al. 2004).Stochastic events can  management and implementation (Kiraç et al. 2013). Suit-
            also have a serious impact on the survival of an endangered  able monk seal habitat currently under effective protection
            species (Soulé 1987) such as the Mediterranean monk seal.  is considered substantially inadequate, and additional
            Stochastic and unusual events that have caused monk seal  marine protected areas are necessary to secure the survival
            mortality in the past include toxic algal blooms (Costas &  of the species, especially in countries such as Greece and
            Lopez-Rodas 1998,Hernández et al. 1998,Reyero et al. 2000),  Turkey where suitable habitat is still available. Because of
            predation by sharks (Pujol 2015), virus outbreaks (Osterhaus  management lapses or inadequacy, lack of funding, moni-
            et al. 1998), rock slides and cave collapses (Panou et al. 1993,  toring and guarding, coupled with indifferent support by
            González et al. 1997), and abnormally low sea temperatures  local stakeholders, some potentially important monk seal
            (Berkes et al. 1979).                            reserves are currently deemed unfit for purpose, and a sub-
                                                             stantial effort will be required to remedy this (Johnson et al.
                                                               Mitigating negative interactions between monk seals and
            The Mediterranean monk seal is protected by legal statute  fisheries has been the focus of concerted conservation
            throughout its range through numerous national laws,  actions in all four main parts of the species’ range

            Mammal Review (2015) © 2015 The Mammal Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd                      7
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