Page 8 - Monachus_2015
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The Mediterranean monk seal                                                    A. A. Karamanlidis et al.

              Table 1. Conservation priorities and actions for the critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal in the four main regions within the species’
              geographical range
                                      Conservation priorities
              Region                  Low                     Medium                   High
              Madeira*                Monk seal rescue and    Monitoring and mitigating  Habitat and species protection
                                       rehabilitation           negative human – seal   through enforcement of existing
                                                                interactions through public  regulations
                                                                awareness and education  Scientific monitoring of the local
                                                                campaigns               monk seal population using
                                                              Maintaining cooperation between  non-invasive methodologies
                                                                eastern Atlantic states in order  Increasing public awareness and
                                                                to implement the ‘Action Plan  environmental sensitization
                                                                for the Recovery of the
                                                                Mediterranean Monk seal in the
                                                                eastern Atlantic’
              Cabo Blanco†            Monk seal rescue and    Scientific monitoring of the local  Habitat protection through
                                       rehabilitation           monk seal population    increased surveillance efforts in
                                                              Increasing public awareness and  current and potential monk seal
                                                                environmental sensitization  habitat
                                                              Improving the legal framework of  Promoting the increase in the
                                                                the Special Areas of    geographical range of the
                                                                Conservation for the Monk Seal  Mediterranean monk seal at the
                                                              Maintaining cooperation between  west African coast
                                                                eastern Atlantic states in order  Reducing pup mortality by
                                                                to implement the ‘Action Plan  promoting the reoccupation of
                                                                for the Recovery of the  open beaches as pupping
                                                                Mediterranean Monk seal in the  habitat
                                                                eastern Atlantic’      Reducing negative seal – fishery
                                                                                        interactions through
                                                                                        enforcement of fishery
              Greece‡ – eastern Mediterranean  Monk seal rescue and  Mitigation of seal – fishery  Critical pupping habitat must be
                population             rehabilitation           interactions through    identified, legally protected and
                                      Establishment and operation of a  enforcement of fishery  organized into a functional
                                       national contingency plan to  regulations        network of protected areas
                                       deal with exceptional or unusual  Increasing public awareness and  Species monitoring through the
                                       monk seal mortality      environmental sensitization  continued operation of the
                                                                                        Hellenic Rescue and Information
              Turkey§ – eastern Mediterranean  Monk seal rescue and  Mitigation of seal – fishery  Habitat protection through
                population             rehabilitation           interactions through    increased surveillance of
                                      Increasing public awareness and  enforcement of fishery  important monk seal sites and
                                       environmental sensitization  regulations         establishment of Marine
                                      Prevention of marine pollution  Capacity building of authorities  Protected Areas
                                                                involved in monk seal
                                                              Monitoring monk seal population
                                                                status and threats for effective
              *The conservation priorities and actions for monk seals in Madeira are described in detail in the ‘Action Plan for the recovery of the Mediterranean
              monk seal in the eastern Atlantic’ (González et al. 2006).
              †The conservation priorities and actions for monk seals in Cabo Blanco are described in detail in the ‘Action Plan for the recovery of the Mediterra-
              nean monk seal in the eastern Atlantic’ (González et al. 2006).
              ‡The conservation priorities and actions for monk seals in Greece are described in detail in the ‘National Strategy and action plan for the conserva-
              tion of the Mediterranean monk seal in Greece, 2009–2015’ (Notarbartolo di Sciara et al. 2009).
              §The conservation priorities and actions for monk seals in Turkey are described in detail in the ‘National action plan for the conservation of the Medi-
              terranean monk seal Monachus monachus in Turkey’ (Kiraç et al. 2013).

              8                                                 Mammal Review (2015) © 2015 The Mammal Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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