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A. A. Karamanlidis et al.                                                The Mediterranean monk seal

            (Anonymous 2009b, Notarbartolo di Sciara et al. 2009, Hale  tion actions include additional research and monitoring of
            et al. 2011, González & Fernandez de Larrinoa 2012). In  important monk seal subpopulations and the establishment
            Madeira, a clean-up operation, in combination with efforts  of a functional network of marine protected areas that will
            to persuade local fishermen to change fishing gear, effec-  protect critical monk seal habitat.
            tively solved the problem of accidental entanglement (Neves
            1991). As a result, the effects of negative interactions
            between monk seals and fisheries in the archipelago of  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
            Madeira are considered to be comparatively less than in
                                                             We would like to thank M. Schnellmann, The Monachus
            other parts of the species’ range (Hale et al. 2011). In Cabo
                                                             Guardian, for providing valuable comments on previous
            Blanco, efforts to understand the importance of monk seal –
                                                             drafts of this paper. Nancy Jennings and three anonymous
            fisheries interactions (González & Fernandez de Larrinoa
                                                             reviewers provided valuable comments that greatly
            2012) have been coupled with environmental education and
                                                             improved the quality of the paper.
            capacity building with fishermen, in order to mitigate the
            negative effects of these interactions. In Greece, where nega-
            tive interactions between monk seals and fisheries are con-
            sidered to be a serious threat to the species’ survival,  REFERENCES
            research efforts to understand the effects of such interac-
                                                             Abou-Zahra A (2013) Rare and pregnant monk seal falls victim
            tions have gone hand in hand with conservation efforts
                                                               to Arab instability. International Fund for Animal Welfare.
            (Androukaki et al. 2006, Karamanlidis et al. 2008). From
            2005 to 2009, the European Union funded a LIFE–Nature
            project focussed exclusively on mitigating the conflict
                                                             Adamantopoulou S, Androukaki E, Kotomatas S (1999) The
            between monk seals and fisheries in Greece; a relevant
                                                               distribution of the Mediterranean monk seal in Greece based
            Action Plan was produced (Anonymous 2009b). However,
                                                               on an information network. Contributions to the Zoogeography
            the concrete conservation actions proposed in this Action  and Ecology of the Eastern Mediterranean Region 1: 399–404.
            Plan have not been implemented as yet, mainly because of  Adamantopoulou S, Anagnostopoulou K, Dendrinos P,
            financial constraints and limited political will to enforce rel-  Kotomatas S, Labadariou N, Pipinis V, Stroufliotis G, Tounta
            evant fisheries regulations. In Turkey, research (Güçlüsoy &  E, Zavras V (2000) Conserving critical habitats for the
            Savas¸ 2003b, Güçlüsoy 2008) and environmental activities  Mediterranean monk seal in Greece through the creation of a
            with fishermen and aquaculture operators have been carried  network of protected areas. European Research on Cetaceans
            out.                                               14: 33.
              Rescue and rehabilitation of wounded, sick and orphaned  Adamantopoulou S, Androukaki E, Dendrinos P, Kotomatas S,
            seals is or has been an integral part of all monk seal conser-  Paravas V, Psaradellis M, Tounta E, Karamanlidis AA (2011)
            vation programmes, and has been carried out with varying  Movements of Mediterranean monk seals (Monachus
            degrees of effort and success in Greece, Turkey, Madeira,  monachus) in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Aquatic
            and Cabo Blanco (Neves & Pires 1998, Vedder et al. 1998,  Mammals 37: 256–261.
            Androukaki et al. 2003, Anonymous 2007a).        Aguilar A, Cappozzo LH, Gazo M, Pastor T, Forcada J, Grau E
              Currently, research and monitoring of monk seal sub-  (2007) Lactation and mother-pup behaviour in the
            populations and education and public awareness campaigns  Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus: an unusual
                                                               pattern for a phocid. Journal of the Marine Biological
            are, to a greater or lesser degree, implemented in all the
                                                               Association of the United Kingdom 87: 93–99.
            main parts of the species’ range, although much scope for
                                                             Alfaghi IE, Abed AS, Dendrinos P, Psaradellis M, Karamanlidis
            improvement and expansion remains.
                                                               AA (2013) First confirmed sighting of the Mediterranean
              The relative importance of the identified conservation
                                                               monk seal (Monachus monachus) in Libya since 1972. Aquatic
            priorities varies among the four main parts of the species’
                                                               Mammals 39: 81–84.
            range (Table 1) because of differences in monk seal popula-
                                                             Androukaki E, Adamantopoulou S, Dendrinos P, Tounta E,
            tion dynamics, public acceptance of the species and avail-
                                                               Kotomatas S (1999) Causes of mortality in the Mediterranean
            able funding.                                      monk seal (Monachus monachus)inGreece. Contributions to
              Despite recent positive population trends in some of the  the Zoogeography and Ecology of the Eastern Mediterranean
            most important subpopulations, the Mediterranean monk  Region 1: 405–411.
            seal remains one of the most endangered marine mammals  Androukaki E, Fatsea E, Hart L, Osterhaus A, Tounta E,
            on Earth. In recent years, important steps have been made  Kotomatas S (2002) Growth and development of
            in understanding the biology, ecology, and behaviour of this  Mediterranean monk seal pups during rehabilitation.
            elusive species, but more needs to be done to safeguard the  Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the European
            future of the Mediterranean monk seal. Priority conserva-  Cetacean Society, 194.

            Mammal Review (2015) © 2015 The Mammal Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd                      9
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