Page 3 - Montesanto_etal-2014
P. 3


Table 1. List of the beaches sampled in the present study. WGS84 coordinates are reported. CCS, “Caruso Collection” samples; LIT, Data from Giordani-
Soika (1954); PSS, Present study samples; TE, Tylos europaeus; TP, Tylos ponticus.

No. Beach                   Area                               Latitude N  Longitude E     Data source  Species

1 Alicudi                   Aeolian Is.                        38°33 01    14°21 57        CCS          TP
                                                                           15°10 34        PSS          TP
2 Brucoli                   Sicily                             37°17 28    12°30 09        PSS          TP
                                                                           12°53 02        PSS          TP
3 Calcara                   Sicily                             37°59 25    12°39 46        PSS          TP
                                                                           14°40 05        CCS          TP
4  Castellammare del Golfo  Sicily                             38°01 43    12°19 34        CCS          TP
                                                                           14°35 08        PPS          TP
5 Cornino                   Sicily                             38°05 38    12°51 38        CCS          TE
                                                                           13°37 10        CCS          TE
6 Donnalucata               Sicily                             36°44 37    15°12 23        PSS          TE
                                                                           15°29 11        PSS          TP
7 Favignana                 Egadi Is.                          37°55 47    15°04 43        PSS          TP
                                                                           12°33 30        CCS          TE
8 Filicudi                  Aeolian Is.                        38°33 32    12°52 02        CCS          TP
                                                                           14°57 02        CCS, PSS     TP
9 Foce Fiume Belice         Sicily                             37°34 58    14°47 25        PSS          TP
                                                                           14°34 14        CCS          TP
10 Foce Fiume Naro          Sicily                             37°14 11    15°07 10        CCS, PSS     TE
                                                                           12°36 50        LIT          TP
11 Fontane Bianche          Sicily                             36°57 42    13°19 42        LIT          TE
                                                                           15°07 23        PPS          TE
12 Giampilieri              Sicily                             38°04 03    15°06 03        PSS          TE
                                                                           11°56 50        CCS          TP
13 Isola delle Correnti     Sicily                             36°39 02    14°19 59        PSS          TP
                                                                           15°05 11        CCS          TE
14 Lampedusa                Pelagie Is.                        35°30 46    15°30 03        LIT          TP
                                                                           12°54 50        CCS          TE
15 Linosa                   Pelagie Is.                        35°51 53    15°03 40        PSS          TE
                                                                           15°38 56        LIT          TE
16 Lipari                   Aeolian Is.                        38°26 30    14°17 09        PSS          TE
                                                                           15°23 37        CCS          TP
17 Marina di Modica         Sicily                             36°42 20    12°30 32        CCS, PSS     TP
                                                                           14°18 04        PSS          TP
18 Marina di Ragusa         Sicily                             36°46 47    12°44 40        PSS          TP
                                                                           13°02 56        CCS          TP
19 Marzamemi                Sicily                             36°43 14    12°49 08        LIT, CCS     TE
                                                                           15°28 21        PPS          TE
20 Mazara del Vallo         Sicily                             37°38 03    15°16 13        LIT, CCS     TP
                                                                           15°23 38        LIT          TE
21 Mondello                 Sicily                             38°12 00    12°38 42        LIT, PSS     TP
                                                                           13°09 41        PSS          TP
22 Morghella                Sicily                             36°42 11    15°05 17        CCS          TE

23 Oliveri                  Sicily                             38°07 19

24 Pantelleria              Pantelleria Is.                    36°50 12

25 Paradise Bay             Maltese Arc.                       35°58 55

26 Playa di Catania         Sicily                             37°27 10

27 Ponte Schiavo            Sicily                             38°05 17

28 Portopalo, Menfi          Sicily                             37°34 39

29 Punta delle Formiche     Sicily                             36°39 44

30 Punta Faro               Sicily                             38°15 56

31 Ramla I-Hamra            Maltese Arc.                       36°03 42

32 Roccalumera              Sicily                             37°58 21

33 Ronciglio                Sicily                             38°00 04

34 San Blas                 Maltese Arc.                       36°03 25

35 San Vito Lo Capo         Sicily                             38°10 33

36 Sciacca                  Sicily                             37°30 10

37 Selinunte                Sicily                             37°34 57

38 Sindaro Marino           Sicily                             38°16 01

39 Siracusa                 Sicily                             37°03 15

40 Spadafora                Sicily                             38°13 46

41 Torretta Granitola       Sicily                             37°35 07

42 Ustica                   Ustica Is.                         38°42 29

43 Vaccarizzo               Sicily                             37°26 16

pecially in the south-eastern sector. The circum-Sicilian is-  values being reported for the beaches at Playa di Catania
lands, with the exception of the island of Lampedusa, feature  and Giampilieri, respectively. The grain-size results allowed
exclusively T. ponticus, whilst only T. europaeus and only T.  the plotting of the box-plot shown in Fig. 3.
ponticus was recorded from the islands of Gozo and Malta
(Maltese archipelago), respectively.                              With respect to beach sediment particle mean diameter,
                                                               the two species appear to exhibit partial niche partitioning.
   A list with the median particle diameter for a number of    In fact, T. europaeus in general demonstrated a preference
Sicilian beaches from where Tylos were recorded is shown       for finer particle sizes, being restricted to a range of particle
in Table 2. An analyses of such parameters reveals that the    diameters extending from fine to coarse sand (according to
lowest median particle diameter value was reported for the     the Wentworth scale), whilst T. ponticus could tolerate a
beach at Playa di Catania (0.344), whilst the highest such     broader range of particle sizes, being recorded from beaches
value was reported for the beach at Giampilieri (1.771),       characterized by fine to very coarse sand.
where the highest standard deviation value was also recorded
(1.201), whilst the lowest such value was recorded for the        The Student’s t-test for the difference between the mean
beach at Ramla (0.099). A similar pattern for standard error   distribution of the two targeted species (independent sam-
was reported, with the highest (0.118) and lowest (0.006)      ples), using the median values of grain-size for each beach,
                                                               revealed an insignificant difference (t = 1.8431; df = 17;
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