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Page 34                                                       THE NAUTILUS, Vol. 122, No. 1

library, of Michaud’s work “Descriptions de plusieurs . . .”  Temara, (33°55Ј N, 07°00Ј W), Sables d’Or beach, rocks
published for the first time in 1830. The date 1831 may       and mud, 0–2 m, 24 shs, MNHN, MA48, réc. S. Gofas,
be doubtful, 1832 being the most commonly cited date;         17 Sep.1991; Essaouira (formerly Mogador), (31°31Ј N,
I prefer to follow Palazzi (2003), who provided helpful       09°47Ј W), rocky platform, tide zone, 1 sh., MNHN,
reasons to choose the former date.)                           MA48, réc. S. Gofas, 23 Sep.1991; Rabat, Lahlou,
                                                              (34°02Ј N, 06°51Ј W), conchiferous detritus, beach, 2 shs,
Material Examined: 37 shs, coll. H. Fischer, with no          MNHN réc. S. Gofas, 28 Sep. 1991; Essaouira (formerly
locality. Atlantic France: Normandy, St Aubin Calvados,       Mogador), 4 shs, MNHN; Strait of Gibraltar, Morocco:
2 shs, MNHN; Normandy, St.Vaast, 1 sh., MNHN; Brit-           Tanger, Grande Plage, conchiferous detritus, beach, 8
tany, Finistère, Anse de Dionan, under stones covered         shs, MNHN coll. S. Gofas, 1970–81. Strait of Gibraltar,
with sand, 75 shs, MNHN legit. S. Gofas, 1973–78; Brit-       Spain: Ceuta Nord, Benzu, infralittoral rocks, 2 shs,
tany, St. Lunaire, 40 shs, coll. MNHN coll. Dollfus, 1903;    MNHN coll. S. Gofas 1976–1981. Algeria: Oran, 6 shs,
St. Lunaire, 15 shs, MNHN coll. Fischer; Brittany,            MNHN coll. Locard. Mediterranean France: Langue-
Penthièrre, 4 shs, MNHN, P. Bouchet legit; Penthièrre         doc, Roussilion, Banyuls sur Mer, near the beach de
(Morbihan), under stones covered with sand, low tide, 10      Paulilles, infralittoral rocks, 1 sh., MNHN coll. Bouchet
shs, MNHN coll. P. Bouchet; Penthièrre, 10 shs,               and Gofas, Sep. 1980; Languedoc, Roussilion, 7 shs,
MNHN, 27 Apr.1975; Aquitaine, Côte Basque, Hen-               MNHN coll. Ph. Dautzenberg, (figured in Moll. Rouss.
daye, conchiferous detritus, beach, 5 shs, MNHN coll. S.      T. I pl. 35, figs.7–13); Languedoc, Roussilion, Sète, 6 shs,
Gofas, 1981; Côte Basque, Hendaye, infralittoral rocks, 3     MNHN coll. Locard; Provence, Toulon, 8 shs, MNHN
shs, MNHN coll. S. Gofas, 1980–81; Côte Basque, Ond-          coll. Petit; Provence, Cannes, 21 shs, MNHN coll. Doll-
arroa, infralittoral rocks, 1 sh., MNHN coll. S. Gofas,       fus, 1903; Provence, east coast, Iles Embiez, passe du
1980–81; Côte Basque, St. Sebastian, infralittoral rocks,     Gaou, under stones covered with sand, 0–1 m, 5 shs,
1 sh., MNHN coll. S. Gofas, 1980–81; Côte Basque, St          MNHN réc. S. Gofas, Aug. 1988; Provence, east coast,
Jean de Luz, infralittoral rocks, 57 shs, MNHN coll. S.       Iles Embiez, (43°04.3Ј N, 5°47.4Ј E), passe du Gaou,
Gofas, 1980–81; St Jean de Luz, outside Cape Ste Barbe,       under stones covered with sand, 0–3 m, 2 shs, MNHN
tide zone, stones covered with sand, 4 shs, MNHN coll.        réc. S. Gofas, Aug. 1988; Provence, Iles Embiez,
S. Gofas, Dec. 1988; St Jean de Luz, outside cape Ste         (43°04.3Ј N, 5°47.4Ј E) passe du Gaou, rocks, photophile
Barbe, tide zone, stones covered with sand, 49 shs,           algae under stones covered with sand, 0–3 m, 1 sh.,
MNHN coll. S. Gofas, 1989; St Jean de Luz, 54 shs,            MNHN réc. S. Gofas, Jun. 1995; Iles Embiez, côte Nord
MNHN coll. H. Fischer, 1898; Aquitaine, Guéthary, 7           et Petit Rouveau, infralittoral rocks, 3 shs, MNHN coll.
shs, MNHN coll. H. Fischer, 1898. Portugal: Algarve           S. Gofas, 1968–70; Provence, Les Embiez, cote Nord et
Sagres, Pontal dos Corvos, (37°01.3Ј N, 08°58.3Ј W), foot     Petit Rouveau, (43°05Ј N, 5°47Ј E), rocks, photophile
of falaise, 17–22 m, 1 sh., MNHN Missione Algarve, 05.        algae, 0–1 m, 3 shs, MNHN réc. S. Gofas, Jun. 1995; Iles
1988; Algarve Sagres, Baie de Baleeira, (37°00.7Ј N,          Embiez, conchiferous detritus, beach, 15 shs, MNHN
08°55.0Ј W), tide zone, 1 sh., MNHN Mission Algarve,          coll. S. Gofas, 1968–70; Provence, St Clair, (43°08.2Ј N,
May 1988. Atlantic Spain: Cantabria, Orifion prov.            6°23.2Ј E), infralittoral rocks, 0–1 m, 2 shs, MNHN réc.
Santander, Punta de Sonabia, infralittoral rocks, 1 sh.,      S. Gofas, Sep. 1992; Provence, Porquerolles plage Notre
MNHN coll. S. Gofas, May 1989; Asturias, Muros prov.          Dame, (43°00.6Ј N, 6°13.8Ј E), rocks, 0–1 m, 1 sh.,
Oviedo, playa de la Liana, infralittoral rocks, 2 shs,        MNHN réc. S. Gofas, Sep. 1992; Provence, Le Dramont,
MNHN coll. J. Ortea-S. Gofas 08.89; Cádiz, Barbate,           conchiferous sand, beach, 3 shs, MNHN réc. J. Pelorce,
(36°10.9Ј N, 05°56.9Ј W), tide zone, infralittoral rocks, 4   1992; Provence, Marseille (Endoume, 43°16.9Ј N,
shs, MNHN réc. S. Gofas Apr. 1994; Cádiz, Chiclana,           05°21.0Ј W), littoral rocks, 1 sh., MNHN réc. S. Gofas
(36°22.5Ј N, 06°12.5Ј W), tide zone, infralittoral rocks      Apr. 1995; Provence, St. Raphael, 5 shs, MNHN;
and sands, 12 shs, MNHN réc. S. Gofas, Apr. 1994;             Provence, Bandol, 16 shs, MNHN coll. Locard; St.
Cádiz, Barbate, conchiferous detritus, beach, 3 shs,          Raphael, 2 shs, MNHN coll. Locard; Corsica, Ajaccio, 17
MNHN coll. S. Gofas, 1976–81; Mediterranean Spain:            shs, MNHN coll. Jousseaume; Corsica, Algajole, 35 shs,
Malaga, Calahonda, conchiferous detritus, beach, 9 shs        coll. MF, 2123. Tunisia: Monastir-Khenis, beach, 1 sh.,
MNHN coll. S. Gofas, 1976–81; Malaga, Port de Mar-            coll. Garilli, legit Garilli and Galletti 4/2000; Djerba,
bella, conchiferous detritus, beach, 3 shs, MNHN coll. S.     beach, 1 sh., coll. MF ex coll. C. Bogi, Jun. 1981,
Gofas, 1978–81; Malaga, Benálmadena-Costa, conchifer-         2163JER. Italy: Piemonte, Asti, Baldichieri, “Grottino
ous detritus, beach, 3 shs, MNHN réc. S. Gofas, 1991–         Monale”, 20 shs, yellow sands, middle-upper Pliocene,
93. Atlantic Morocco: El Jadida, (33°16Ј N, 08°29Ј W),        coll. MF ex coll. PAL, F104A; Piemonte, Asti, 24 shs,
large beach, rocky platform, tide zone, 16 shs, MNHN          Pliocene, MGUP coll. Doderlein, 113B; Piemonte,
réc. S. Gofas, 26 Sep. 1991; Fedala, Mannesmann beach,        Alessandria, Tortona, 1 sh., Miocene, MGUP coll.
conchiferous detritus, beach, 20 shs, MNHN coll. S. Go-       Doderlein, 476B; Alessandria, Villalvernia, at the Cem-
fas, 1970–72; Asilah, mouth of Oued el Helou, conchif-        etery, 1 sh., Astian yellow sands, middle-upper Pliocene,
erous detritus, beach, 21 shs, MNHN coll. S. Gofas,           coll. MF ex coll. PAL, F118A; Emilia Romagna, Modena,
1971–72; Asilah, mouth of Oued el Helou, conchiferous         Maranello, Fogliano, Gagliardella, Rio Grizzaga sands, 1
detritus, beach, 30 shs MNHN coll. S. Gofas, 1972–80;
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